I was so confused by their post for a minute until I realized they were using the term negatively. I thought they were celebrating the artist at first.
I also just get insane whiplash seeing these guys think Russia is the soy gay antifa country when a couple of years ago people like this were praising Russia for being the last bastion of white Christian Europe and Putin for standing up against the "globohomo menace" or whatever
The war happened and they realized how many Nazis there were in Ukraine, so they got the perfect chance to do "muh whites against the Asiatic hordes" WWII rematch shit.
He don't claim to be leftist, he's an open nazi. Joke is that all the so called "left" on lemmy and reddit stand in exactly same place as him, just say different words.
A cryptofascist that LARPs as a medieval crusader knight. Or as a viking. Or as a caveman. In all three cases, with glaring misunderstandings of how they were actually like.
I wonder if he knows that the woman (Tove Jansson) who made the character in this ridiculous idiot's avatar (Snusmumriken) was in an "intimate relationship" with another woman? Do you think he'd be upset if he knew that?
Stalin was in no position to go beyond Berlin. US launched the nukes and threatened USSR and more over Stalin gave up on Greece to be a commie country because he promised Churchill that Greece would be under the protection of UK.
It's more accurate to say that the great patriotic war was a war in defense of the Motherland. Not an offensive war. The Soviet people gave everything for victory as victory meant their lives were saved from fascist genocide.
When victory was won, it was time to go home. Stalin gave the order to demobilize construction workers, teachers, doctors, and other groups necessary to begin healing and rebuilding the ruins caused by the fascists. There was no stomach for more war as the worker understood intimately its horrors.
Donteskt children are being bombed by NATO, see the bomb behind the girl, the text on it reads NATO. Also the girl's face and eyecolor is that of the Donetsk republic. Also Maruipol was one of the strongholds for nazism, as in not just an Azov HQ but also had a diaspora of WW2 nazis, which to my understanding had settled there.
I think DNR forces begged Putin to help them during Mariupol seize in 2014. Putin didn't do anything and went for Minsk Agreement. I think Putin didn't want any escalation after the Crimea take over because the Western media depicted it as an act of war. I understand there is little he could have done in 2014 but Donbass people suffered the most in this 9 years of war and still suffering.
He hates the right wing (because they are anti-white?) and antifa at the same time? I can't even tell if he's a chud or lib, there's nothing coherent in his ideology
Unintentionally apt, since Portland, in good old American fashion, manages to be a wreck and have thousands of displaced/homeless people without a war having gone over it.