those dirty Russianist hordes will surely be weakened by the onset of winter, which history has shown is the perfect time to launch an offensive into Russia. I am very intelligent.
The NATO forces will be warmed by the power of love, and triumph over the evil of Russia!
I hear they are ready to use the Carebear Stare if Putin doesn't surrender.
Buddy, Russia is blowing up previously never-exploded Britbong tanks and basically disassembling NATO artillery before it even launches, often simply by having weapons that work.
The Transatlantic Empire's most effective weapons have proven, like always, to be terrorism and targeted political assassinations. The U.S. is as paper a fucking tiger now as it was when chairman Mao said it.
Too many folk here in Amerika "know" more about what's happening in Ukraine than what's happening in their own damn neighborhoods.
An addict shoots up. A mugger creates a victim. A cop shoots a black child. A homeless man freezes to death. A drunk beats his wife. Everyone starves and struggles against the tremendous weight of debt. Buildings and streets continue to erode ever further, unmolested by the tyranny of public investment. All within the shadow of billowing Ukrainian and Amerikan flags planted on some "apolitical" petit-bourgeois fucker's perfectly mowed lawn. 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
At one point when typing stuff like above out one has to ask themselves if Russia, a country that has experience with extremely cold temperatures since forever, does not have winter proof materials for their army.
Interestingly enough, there were issues with winter gear in Russian military - around 2008. Back when Serdyukov was minister of defence and launched a program of refitting the military. That was when Russian military began switching to "digital" camo (little pixels instead of big spots of the old Flora). Seeing how since then Russia has expanded operations in the Arctic, I daresay the issues were fixed.
Yes because the Russians are so utterly incompetent that they have literally no strategy in winter time aside from standing around like chickens with their fucking heads cut off. How do people buy this shit?
They buy it because they have internalized racism, it is simply not possible that these asiatic beasts have prepared for winter.
The nazis themselves were like this, the diaries of their leaders during the first 2-3 weeks of operation barbarossa show how little they thought of the soviet union at the start.
That’s what’s also confusing me. Like, we’ve already gone through winter of this war so what makes this year different? The Russians survived then and will do the same now so I don’t know what they’re blabbing about.
I wonder what war looks like in their heads. Is it a fps shooter? A HOI campaign perhaps? Do they seriously believe soldiers just charge at each other?
It may be related to what space exploration looks like in their heads.
A vehicle lands on a desolate planet, serenaded by LE EPIC HANS ZIMMER music, and amid the BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM, humans transcend and become godlike and win the science victory. Roll credits.
As someone who occasionally plays Advance Wars competitively, anyone who's played a map with snow knows how much it stops offensives. These people are below a children's strategy game at this point.
EDIT: These people don't even know that Putin will just activate his CO power and make all the Ukranian units lose 2 hp and lose half their movement due to the snow.
Ignoring the stupid and outright murderously insane shit in that post...
Are they not aware that Ukrainian men were also conscripted? Ukraine quite literally locked down the borders and wouldn't let men out and said "go protect the homeland!"
I understand the conscripts thing is meant to he demoralizing or whatever like "you don't even want this war! Give up!" but that fails when your own country is also conscripting and begging for people from around the world to come help fight Russia. This wasn't exactly kept a secret either, so it's just weird seeing it used in this way.
Setting aside the question of winter gear (as comrades have already highlighted it), and even setting aside the murderous masturbatory fantasy of war-as-videogame (what they describe is essentially CoD or Ghost Recon kind of game, with gigachad protagonist having hilarious over the top advantage over poorly programmed NPCs).
I want to focus a little on the example chosen for comparison - Predator movie. Because it is a very peculiar choice. What do we see in the movie? First we see a team of these stereotypical Hollywood gigachad "operators" tear through a gang of Hollywood "rebels" in an absurdly one-sided tussle. Can't even call it a skirmish. The yanks have better gear, better physique, better everything, exactly as what the idiot in the image imagines yankee troops to be. And then the alien turns it upside down on them, by having better physique, better tech, etc. And it's once again not a battle, nor a fight, the alien is just hiding in the trees like a rat to occasionally pop a yank with that absurd gun of his. While invisible. And when Arnie accidentally circumvents the predator's tech - it screeches in impotent rage and fires blindly into the jungle, because its FPS sim got disturbed. Just as the yanks were firing blindly into the jungle earlier, for the same reason.
So what's the point of this rant? Well, I almost want to see those "SOF teams" try to pull their yankee shit, only to discover what "artillery barrage" means and what "peer equipment" means. But of course, useless removed-s like in the op image won't get the message and will simply continue writing similar masturbatory fanfics.
Seriously. I recently read a paper somebody linked here which went over Russian artillery doctrine. Long and the short is that the Russians can get effective artillery fires on a target inside of three minutes under optimal conditions, particularly when using UAVs for spotting. They've also gotten into the habit of attaching mortars to infantry units and forming them up into mortar teams ad hoc, giving such units some quite potent local indirect fire support.
the idiot writing this shit won't be on the frontlines having his illusions shattered it will be some guy who got signed up by a press gang while trying to catch a bus and already had his illusions shattered who will have to walk this idiots talk
Sadly, you are correct. And that's the core of the issue. The idiots beating the war drums are always the ones feeling perfectly safe and sound in their little wine caves and incel basements on their little islands. It's everyone else who foots the bill for their hubris
If we consider the Predator movie, at least the first one, to be an allegory for the Vietnam war because it featured jungle warfare and commando bros facing off against an enemy that is virtually invisible, implacable, utterly alien and incomprehensible, and entirely determined to hunt down and kill the invaders (often in torturous ways) while the commando bros are pretty much helpless against the predator as they get picked off one by one...
Then they've kinda missed the entire message underlying the movie.
If they think "better equipment = we're like the predator" then they're failing to grasp the fact that the true terror in the film doesn't come from better technology but from an enemy which can blend seamlessly into the environment, which could be anywhere at any time, and is completely unstoppable. The technology is just window-dressing because if it were about a regiment of small Vietnamese people armed with AK-47s it wouldn't be much of a spectacle and it wouldn't play into macho power fantasies.
So, if the story is a metaphor about an enemy which is comparatively poorly armed using their skills and the terrain to their advantage, defeating what is assumed to be the best of the best, then why are they using it to brag about having better equipment again?
Next they're going to use Starship Troopers in completely the wrong way as a metaphor for the war in the Ukraine, aren't they?
The technology in Predator isn't window dressing really, it's icing on a cake, because predator is able to defeat the Murican HeroesTM largely because it, so by extension they suggest that the Vietnamese (not having that tech obviously) must had some kind of magic to be able to do it too.
Next they’re going to use Starship Troopers in completely the wrong way as a metaphor for the war in the Ukraine, aren’t they?
Already seen it. And not surprising at all, combined with complete amputation of the sense of irony and satire because prerequisite is to take ST movie completely seriously on face level.
If we consider the Predator movie, at least the first one, to be an allegory for the Vietnam war
Errr why should we? Because jungle and imaginary yankee toughs? I'm not sold on this analogy. Predator reads more like Wells' "War of the worlds" - turning the situation upside down on the colonizers. Suddenly they're the ones being hunted for sport by uncaring invader with absurd levels of technological superiority (while still acting as if it's fair and square).
Then they’ve kinda missed the entire message underlying the movie
Oh this I agree with
but from an enemy which can blend seamlessly into the environment, which could be anywhere at any time, and is completely unstoppable.
Nowadays drones fullfil this function
Next they’re going to use Starship Troopers in completely the wrong way as a metaphor for the war in the Ukraine, aren’t they
Didn't nafo already use the "I'm doing my part" bit from the movie, completely serious and missing the satire?
Winter offensive is very likely because the Grande Armée is getting French winter gear and Russians are getting... whatever they get, so they'll probably freeze.
Well unlike most other gimmicks yanks wank, night vision devices (i.e. thermals) are actually quite useful. Thing is, Russian forces have them. Both in personal variety and on tech (such as drones)
Can you imagine these well equipped and well trained Alpha Males using that equipment and training to absolutely murder a bunch of humans that were pressed into service against their will? Just absolutely slaughter them. They won't stand a chance. The soil is going to run red with the blood of human beings.
Oh yeah I can and I have never been so .
Why yes how did you know I am an American Democratic party donor?
Right, it's pretty telling when they think all Russian soldiers are unwillful conscripts and yet still salivate thinking of how they want to kill them..
in the falklands war the SAS collected human ears from killed conscripts. The person who wrote that would probably think those SAS soldiers are the kind of person to have over for dinner
I don’t know much about what happened during the Winter War (Soviet Union v. Finland) but people seem to cite it as an example of Russia somehow failing. With Finland now in NATO they seem optimistic that this is going to be Winter War 2 Electric Boogaloo.
In the winter war, Russia got more than what they demanded from Finland and they were forced to sign the treaty for neutrality but I guess they joined Hitler's group soon.
When Hitler’s General Staff were planning Operation Barbarossa, they gave themselves 4 months to crush the Red Army. After the first winter, they would run into significant logistics and manpower issues.
And yet, they still invaded the USSR, fully confident in the supremacy of the Third Reich and that the inferior Slavs - who could not even make anything more complicated than a lightbulb - would instantly crumble from the full might of the Nazi forces.
This is just like Russia invading Ukraine! We just gotta give them more stuff and let Zelenskyy kick in the Russia's door and the whole rotten structure will crumble upon itself!
Pretty funny. There was a winter last year too lol and Ukraine didn't make any advances there (although that winter was warmer than usual). Then there was the spring offensive where Ukraine also made no advances and the arguments were that they were waiting for snow to thaw etc etc. Now apparently this winter is going to be it and everything they wanted to end for the spring offensive are going to help them.
Weird, I distinctly remember media saying that the thawing ("rasputitsa") was what was preventing the offensive. Or was it earlier? "Russians are waiting for the mud to freeze"?