Well, you have to explore other languages. As Linus Torvalds once famously said:
There aren't enough swear-words in the English language, so now I'll have to call you perkeleen vittupää just to express my disgust and
frustration with this crap.
I really don't know what that would actually accomplish. How would any government benefit from doing that kind of a move, especially when the reason seems to just be that Elon is a douche, and that doesn't seem like a valid reason to do such things. Hell, even if we were to count this kind of blatant aiding of an enemy country as treason, I doubt this would be an appropriate response.
If anything, it might just set a dangerous precedent and in general be against the very same liberal values which are exactly why we're helping Ukraine against the foreign imperial occupier. Arbitrary nationalisation of the assets of politically inconvenient people is the kind of stuff that an autocratic regime such as the Russian Federation under Vova would do. And that's the kind of thing it actually does do, defenestration of political rivals is a convenient way to accomplish many goals, after all.
Doesn't the United States already have military communication satellites? If they wanted to give network connectivity to Ukranian drones, I'm pretty sure they could have done so as well.
Nice to see that people are finally seeing through the bullshit, and that Elon is an asshole scammer. I've been saying this for years now and I'm always told he's the next coming of Chris or something. He deserves to rot in a jail cel
"Scupper - an opening cut through the bulwarks of a ship so that water falling on deck may flow overboard"
like so much other bullshit, this comes from the navy. can't just say tossed overboard, nope, gotta have a whole new nomenclature regarding gutters on gunwales to say the same damned thing as landlubbers
I just learned a new English word, and it's maritime too! Also, yes, screw billionaires interfering with international politics. Also screw billionaires in general.
It's all well and good to talk about doing this, but when are we actually going to do it? I feel our window of opportunity to change society for the better is closing quickly.
You know how sometimes after you're done pooping and you stand up to flush and you accidentally knock your cock against the front of the seat and then you're so mortified that your ballsack shrivels up and retreats into your taint?
That's what Elon Musk is. He's a retreated ballsack. A real taint seeker.
At this point I think he is just an International Scumbag. We should just banish him from all countries and let him live in space with his satellites. Forcefully launched on one of his rockets.
If you didn’t want Elon to make these sorts of decisions then you shouldn’t have voted with your wallets to make him the richest person in the world. If you don’t like the way he’s using his OWN space satellite company to aid or not aid a country at war, then how about start YOUR own space satellite company to compete with him? Then you can let the Ukraine use your satellites to sink the Russian navy free of charge if you’re so magnanimous.
Not all of us were born with the emerald spoon in mouth he was. Its not as simple as Elon Musk is the richest person on earth because everyone thought his products were good and cool, or so simple as anyone with a dream can just go out and found a satellite company
We're not the ones who made him what he is. Most of his money came from his family's emerald mines in Africa. Correction: The emerald mine is just what made him rich in the first place.
Most of the money came from government either in subsidies, or defense contracts for Starlink; and tesla's inflated stock that is not based in reality.