We're motoring on ahead towards our 1.0.2 RC. It's a little ways off yet, but we've just got so many new changes that we couldn't help but share them with you.
What's new:
The Widget Wizard: fully customize your post and comment interaction widgets with a new drag-and-drop interface! Check it out in Settings -> Appearance -> Posts or Comments -> Customize Widgets
Jump button: we've added a handy little button to jump to the next top-level comment. You can disable it in Settings -> Comments.
Instant post feedback: we've done some major backend work on how we handle posts to make the app more stable and set up new features down the line. You'll notice that posts now apply your interactions immediately, rather than waiting for network round trip. You might also notice some new bugs, which we would love to hear about.
Onboarding: new users now get a proper onboarding flow. You can check it out by removing all your accounts from Mlem.
Collapse post content: in the detailed post view, you can tap the title or body of a post to collapse it and get right to the comments
Collapse comments: swipe way to the left to reveal a new swipe action: collapse comment
Haptic levels: you can now disable some or all of the haptic feedback in the app in Settings -> General -> Haptic Level
Opaque tab bars: in case you think material design is so 2014 and yearn for strong, assertive views, you can now make the tab bars fully opaque in Settings -> Accessibility -> Translucent Insets.
Quality of life updates:
Link posts now have an indicator on their thumbnail in Compact and Headline mode
Fixed a problem where the account switcher would be open when re-opening the app
Inbox now persists unread status
Search no longer has auto-correct or auto-capitalization
Large images now display as shrunk. You can make them display in their full, glorious height in Settings -> Appearance -> Posts -> Limit Image Height In Feed.
You can now block communities directly from posts
Various actions have been flagged as destructive
Fixed some issues with images embedded in links displaying poorly
Fixed nav bar disappearing on device rotation
Haptic feedback no longer causes an animation hitch on first play
Known issues:
Swipe voting in inbox has an animation hitch
Comments don't apply interactions instantly
It's hard to get image posts to collapse
Putting too many widgets and too much info in the bar causes view clipping
Onboarding flow is kinda rough. If you've got thoughts on how to make it smoother, please share!
I remember in the early days of Apollo, I would use the app and after some time start noticing a few things that were bugging me and not long after they’d just get fixed. Feels the same way with Mlem. Loving all the progress so far!
Pick an instance to sign up with. Don't overthink it-the whole point of federation is that you'll see the same content on any federated instance, so just pick one you like and jump right in!
IMHO, this list needs to be curated down to general instances, or the instances need to be grouped by genre or something. Having instances like porn.lemmy in the list is going to give users a WILDLY different local feed than lemmy.ml
At the moment, the list of instances is fetched from the list of Awesome Lemmy instances that lemmy itself recommends new users to pick from. We may tweak this in future to filter out certain instances, perhaps.
Buttery smooth on iPhone 8 here. Thanks so much. The overlay to denote a web link is appearing in random positions in compact mode though. I already sent a report through TestFlight which has screenshots.
I like the collapse comment swipe idea, but imo it should collapse the whole top level tree a comment belongs to. We can collapse single comments be tapping, but there's no way to quickly collapse the current top level comment and its replies.
Tapping or swiping should collapse that comment along with its replies (but not parent or sibling comments). Is it not doing that for you right now? Or is it too early in the morning and I need to sleep more? 🙈
I feel dumb, but how do I add/manage the widgets? When I tap and hold them nothing happens, I can’t move them. All I get is a little haptic feedback after I release the tap.
You're supposed to be able to drag and drop from the tray to the bar--if that's not working, please send us a screen recording so we can figure out what's broken!
Do you mean tap “Feed” tab again to scroll to top? That feature is almost ready to go (famous last words), it just barely missed this update unfortunately 🥲
On iPadOS I still have an issue with app crashes when using the sharing menu. On. iPhone this works. Sent crash feedback through the Testflight feedback dialogue a dozen times. Hope it can be fixed.
Sorry we've been so slow getting around to this one--we've got a lot of bugs to squash and this one got a little lost! I'm looking into it now, hoping to have it fixed in the next build.