I loved this game for a few days, the main character's internal dialog is fantastic. But it's such a slow slog walking every section of the map trying to get from one place to another. Similar to Grim Fandango or Myst, it gets to be tedious and painful.
I really want to buy a Steam Deck but even with this sale, I can't justify the purchase to myself. I still use my PS Vita as there are a lot of games on there that I haven't played yet (Vita, PSP, some PS1 and ports) and I still have a working PS3 with games I've yet to play!
Once the PS3 no longer functions, Steam Deck will be bought!
I switched from a vita to steam deck as well, it also replaced my laptop as well which I wasn't expecting.
The gaming stuff is cool but once I found a trifold Bluetooth keyboard and a kickstand for the deck, its honestly a workstation now. I can remote access servers I manage or write code, edit photos, you name it.