Western intellectuals are consumed by paroxysms of postcolonial repentance. While that is ethically understandable, it is unclear why they’re preoccupied with European colonies 200 years ago …
This whole article is just lib coping that USSR helped to dissolve their beloved imperialist shitholes and calling for balkanization of China and Russia because they are "countries that have colonies today".
And no, he doesn't give any example of why he thinks Russia and China have colonies, except mentioning Uyghurs, Mongolians and Evenks once. I guess knowing about few nations living inside of two countries automatically makes you expert in the field of imperialism and colonialism.
If the "colony" claim for Russia is due to Ivan IV's conquests (as it usually is, seen people on Sino screech about Yermak and Ivan), then logically the "non-colonized" Russia should include the original Muscovy/Tsardom holdings of the pre-Siberia period. Which would include a good chunk of Ukraine, a chunk of Baltics and other funny places.
But these chucklefucks never go there, do they. Chucklefucks.
No, in XVII century Poland-Lithuania was occupying a lot of ethnically Russian lands and even actually invading rest of Russia, Poland lost chunks of land to them only in the 3 partitions at the end of XVIII century.
Colonialism is when the indegenous people from your "colonies" take over your government for centuries, force you to adopt their dress, and exile your people to their homeland as punishment.