Across 24 countries, large shares have an unfavorable view of Russia and no confidence in Putin to do the right thing regarding world affairs.
What happened to Poland?!
Also 💀🙈😳
"Those who place themselves on the ideological right in several European countries are more likely to express a positive view of the alliance than those on the left. However, in the U.S. and Canada, this pattern is reversed: Those on the left are more likely to say they have a favorable opinion of NATO."
There is no left or right in these NATO countries. Left is just identity politics over LGBT which rarely addresses their issues and use them as baits for older and conservative people to divide and conquer the masses so that they can say yes to NATOfied militaristic adventures. In the West one part wants war with Russia first, another part wants war with China
Honestly I think a decent chuck of the American ruling class would of preferred to maintain somewhat neutral relations with Russia and focus on China instead, but Poland insisted that the rest of NATO follow it's warpath against Russia.
but what about German bullets found in Katyn forests ? and how come few hundreds bodies account for 20K officers dead ? Seems implausible ? Nobody in the west asks these questions ?
Not it really doesn't. Slavic countries are just cannon fodder against Russia. The US would make some excuse and would leave them to fight alone against Russia.
I appreciate that it's probably because US citizens see NATO as some sort of charity that they bestow on an ungrateful Europe, but I am amazed to see the US approval sitting anywhere as low as the 60% mark.
That's actually lower than I would've expected to be honest. After 2 years of propaganda I kind of expected all of NATO to be like Poland. Also views on Zelensky being mixed is interesting given that he's been the poster boy for the war. I read this as NATO having a bit of a crisis to be honest because the economic troubles are just starting. Once the recession hits full force, a lot more people are going to start rethinking things.
Wtf this sounds fake for Poland, who did they asked? I mean we are the anus of Europe and proud shameless mainstay of Stupidity Belt but there's no way in hell 93% of Poles are gonna agree on anything.