Across 24 countries, large shares have an unfavorable view of Russia and no confidence in Putin to do the right thing regarding world affairs.
What happened to Poland?!
Also ๐๐๐ณ
"Those who place themselves on the ideological right in several European countries are more likely to express a positive view of the alliance than those on the left. However, in the U.S. and Canada, this pattern is reversed: Those on the left are more likely to say they have a favorable opinion of NATO."
Honestly I think a decent chuck of the American ruling class would of preferred to maintain somewhat neutral relations with Russia and focus on China instead, but Poland insisted that the rest of NATO follow it's warpath against Russia.
Then why go around couping post-soviet republics and fostering the worst scum in each? There are homegrown Nazis not just in Ukraine, but in each Baltic state at the very least. You know what Poland is like. Georgia? Also nationalists (and likely Nazis too, judging by the "Georgian legion"). Armenia? Yup. That doesn't sound like "maintaining a neutral relationship", more like "throwing feces at your neighbor to watch him get angry".
I said "somewhat" neutral. I think the American ruling class ideally wanted to keep passively away chipping at Russia where possible while avoiding open conflict. Poland however is more even more rabidly hostile towards Russia then even the US and I think Poland played a pretty large influence in things turning out the way they have.
but what about German bullets found in Katyn forests ? and how come few hundreds bodies account for 20K officers dead ? Seems implausible ? Nobody in the west asks these questions ?