There's a tui flapping around outside making his presence known with whirring wings and landing on things with a thump. The other day there was a kereru sitting in / crushing the spindly kowhai tree by my driveway (that tree is not mighty enough for that bird). So I guess spring is here.
I have two knee-high kowhai. Are you saying that having them might entice a kereru to visit? I don't care if I have to wait a decade, it'll be worth the wait!
The SO was offered a spot on a fishing trip so he's just left and I'm up and awake way too freakin' early. But I have coffee and heat pump and no plans so... win?
What's everyone's plans for today? (I may shamelessly steal good ideas)
I'm recovering from the lurgie (should really take a RAT), so I've got nothing but I've been re-reading the enders game series - it's a lot more emotional than I remembered!
How long ago did you last read it? So many of the books I remember liking in high school seem to hit so differently now that I've got some actual life experience under my belt and I'm finally starting to pick up on undertones that other people talk about that I've just never noticed before.
Using one of my free power days, so I'm going to powerwash everything. Driveway, soffits, walls, paving, deck, the works. Do all the washing and tumble dry whatever can't fit on the wash line. Do all the, cooking, and probably leave all the lights on for good measure.
Pity it's not a free water day.
In continuing yesterday's theme, does anyone have a suggestion for a Home Assistant/zigbee compatible smart plug that defaults to on?
If I plug something in to a smart plug, then someone else switches it off at the wall then on again, it's really not ok that when they switch it on it no longer provides power until I pull up home assistant and turn it on again.
Having it remember it's state might be better. But I'm not keen on it not working if it can't connect to home assistant.
I believe the Phillips Hue smart plugs default to on when power is restored or you can set it to remember it's state. They're pricey though and They don't have many features either for power monitoring etc. There aren't really any other options for zigbee smart plugs here. Otherwise you'll have to roll the dice with aliexpress ones which almost certainly won't be certified for our electrical regulations.
IIRC you can get them to work with other zigbee dongles without the hue bridge with Zigbee2MQTT or others, but I never got around to trying it out.