Tomatoes splat really well, especially rotten ones. Maybe eggs would be good, but tomatoes are cheaper. I think an open source easy to make at home slimy and smelly (preferably also something that stains) water balloon solution could do the job for a modern consumer base. Who wants to carry around smelly rotten tomatoes?
The new name alone isn't what made Twitter crap, but it is symbolic of the massive changes made to the site by the new management. I like to think of it this way: Twitter is dead. X is the reanimated corpse.
X is modern New Coke. At this point, I'm not even sure which of the worst CEOs I'd compare musk to. He's like all of their worst traits rolled into one. I have no doubt there's some weird financial accounting going on at Tesla, just that they haven't been found out just yet. His involvement into the crypto sphere and with doge should have thrown up regulatory alarm bells already.
Watching Twitter crash and burn under musk has been so much fun. It being a haven for all the worst dregs of humanity and an advertiser's worst nightmare is just the cherry on top. Old Twitter before mush for brains musk was still salvageable. He's somehow done everything to make it worse.
I think what we really want is to have it restored to pre-musk-ownership level of functionality. But that doesn't make for a nice four syllable group chant. Also I doubt the douche is capable of ever admitting how wrong he was.
Maybe. But the fact is that it was used by people in uprisings. It is a powerful tool for the people. There is a reason why wealthy people from the middle east backed and funded musk taking it over. They wanted to take away a tool used by the people in revolution.
It probably contributed to a lot of stupidity and human suffering, but it also could have been used to great effect if us common folk could have learned to wield it appropriately. The rich and powerful were afraid of it, that alone should tell you that it's death is a bad thing.
Imo the biggest problem is that it's way too easy to use. Something as simple as an 8th grade math question or hiding the tweet button in a menu would make it so much better
Him showing up to a Valorant tournament is some next level "how do you do fellow kids". Like, what's his business being there? I mean, if you told me that he secretly just spends his days playing Valorant and shitposting on twitter, it would make a lot of sense.
Like when he got booed at a Dave Chaplle show. The guy thinks he's loved and adored everywhere he goes because there's still a few pathetic worshipers on the internet.
Fuck Musk. He built an entire automotive platform on the concept of "sustainable transportation" and took those on the right to task for denying climate change. NOW he's supporting the POS GOP candidate that had the audacity to call climate change a "hoax" repeatedly at the debate. Fuck you Elon!
I'll call him apartheid boy faster than anything, but this claim is largely inaccurate and needs to stop being repeated, because the truth is bad enough.
He got rich by scamming Compaq and thanks to Peter Thiel, gay fascist, kicking him out of control at PayPal.
Ehz he didn't built an automotive platform. Other people did that, he bought it and green it mostly through controversy and by now it's quite clear that Tesla's are quite shit to own and drive.
Teslas are awesome to own and drive. It's an annoying checklist that takes an hour when you first get the car to make sure your car isn't one of the ones with the bad panels, doors that don't close nicely, etc., But you can decline the car if it has any of those things, or they fix it right away. Once you are through that part it's really a great vehicle, especially if you have a charger at home. Gad stations are super inconvenient if you think about it.
...I mean, I love my Tesla, and most people I know with one feel similarly. I'm not a fan of the way the company is run, and association with Elon makes me want to hurl these days, but I have no qualms with the cars themselves.
now it’s quite clear that Tesla’s are quite shit to own and drive
By whose metric? Tesla owners have a 97% approval rating. I know tons of people that drive Teslas and they have zero maintenance other than tires and windshield wiper fluid. Hate on Elon all you want, but to assume the cars are shit because he is shit is just juvenile.
Keep your enemies closer. Where do you think GOP Republicans live? Texas. What vehicles do they drive? Gas/diesel.
Call him everything he is. But he is a fantastic businessman for going to the place of most resistance and turning his worst demographic to his biggest group of followers.
Do you guys think there's a part of him that realizes that people dislike him for a legitimate reason? I mean, he started out being the darling of the internet, when he was in the early stages with SpaceX and Tesla. His cult of personality was pretty large. Obviously he still has fanboys, but he has to realize that he ended up on the fringe, right? Right?
No way in hell. He thinks everyone is just jealous, not realizing that most of us don't want the problems that come with being ultra-rich, we just think he is a spoiled brat.
I would think so. But at this point, he has made his choice. Don't think a baby face turn is in the cards. Might as well become Emperor Palpatine at this point.
Well now his ego is hurt and we get to see what else he ruins in a tantrum lol I wonder if he'll try to buy out the IP and call it EX or something equally dumb lol
That'd be fun, especially considering that he'll have to pay big bucks to Tencent, who wholly own Riot Games. All discussion would quickly devolve into a anti/pro China flamewar
Haven't drugs been used as an explanation for his mammoth missteps with Twitter? Because the way this guy is piloting the ship, he's going to crash it into Prince William Sound at any moment. They'll be scrubbing stupid posts off the seabirds for months.
But some drugs can affect your intelligence, and if he was intelligent enough to at least lay low and take credit for others' work before, it appears he no longer has at least that baseline.
Eh, he also ruins things based on reactions to things he sees on twitter too. And he's on it all the time. Elon Musk ruining things is basically automated now.
The issue is, as others pointed out, that Twitter was extremely powerful for groups in oppressive countries to coordinate their activities. So much so, that some governments had resorted to switching off the internet for the whole country to combat social media; particularly Twitter.
It's entirely plausible that the supposed large sums of money that Elon received from Middle Eastern groups to help buy Twitter was for the expressed purpose to destabilize Twitter and destroy the brand. That way once Twitter is gone dissident groups can no longer organize and will be easy to oppress.
Howard Hughes suffered from really profound OCD and chronic pain in a time before effective medications for either of those. Arguably, effective treatments still don't exist. He became a recluse because he wasn't well enough to appear in public. I understand why the comparison might spring to mind, but I'm pretty sure Elon Musk is just an entitled asshole and not disabled.
Because Meta wasn't finished and wasn't expecting Twitter to shit itself so badly over a weekend. They were ready for the slow burn and Musk gunned it when he did his rate limit
Easy for most of us casual posters in the west to do. What sucks is that it was the platform for legit entities to transmit information from for years. Those accounts can't just up and leave a readily as us response accounts
Looking forward to several rounds of the videos getting banned on Twitter and Elon claiming he isn't banning them the videos while also claiming the boo'ing was for something else
I've never had an account on the service before or after the rebrand, and for the three or so people who I occasionally glance at the accounts of, I normally use
However...was there actually any significant functional difference associated with "X" rebrand?
The most-significant technical shift that I was aware of was many years back, when they increased the tweet character limit.
No, it's just a very poorly thought out rebrand. Articles keep saying "X, formerly Twitter" because without it, articles actually sound pretty bad and look silly. It's a bad name for an Internet service. It's generic. It doesn't do well in web searches. It doesn't sound good when talking out loud. It's all around a poor idea according to any marketing theory. People are used to saying tweets. It already essentially had total mind share. It was the standard for microblogging. It reached "Kleenex" or "band-aid" status in being the default reference for the concept.
And he just ditched it because he likes the letter X.
There isn't supposed to be, but with the number of engineers and devs he fired a long with his whimsical attitude towards changing things, well, things have broken.
Embeds seem to be hit or miss. The two factor auth API went down for awhile. I'm not a big Twitter person. I'm sure there's more to list.
How else do you propose hurting him, and he deserves to be hurt, other than bruising his massive ego? He's never going to be anything but massively wealthy whether we like it or not.
Y’know, I’ve never understood claiming “who cares” when someone must care enough to comment. When I truly don’t care about something, I just scroll past it and ignore it. If you’re truly “moving on,” why not just, well, move on?
Because when something is constantly in your face that you think is overblown, asking who cares is a sign that you are sick of the thing that you are unable to avoid.
It is hard to ignore when it is everywhere all the time.
My comment was meant to imply that Elon Musk is talked about far more than he deserves. Especially when most of what he does is meant to troll or generally antagonize people. We have to stop letting disingenuous and downright dastardly people infect our daily conversations.