It's like I'm talking to a bot to be honest. I made this comment on someone's post I knew who brought up some political stuff and a few weirdos jumped down my throat lol
"a phone that has advanced so much under capitalism" i hope it's not a crapple...
"having 15 kinds of deodorants" and every one of them has different levels of being shitty...the only choice in socialism was made with the best of all of them, so you don't need to look more!
it's cool how propaganda has melted these people's brains into thinking if you don't have 15 different versions of a product you're living in a dystopia
The phone advanced so much that now I can't even change the battery! Or reasonably repair it myself! Or expect it to mostly free of spyware and bloatware!
Under socialism: There is one brand of deodorant, but it is either cheap as shit or fucking free.
Under capitalism: There are many brands of deodorant, but they are either expensive as fuck and/or you don't have the budget for them and even then, the many deodorant brands are made under the same company