People often say they're just waiting for him to flip on Trump. Giuliani is broke, Trump disdains him, etc...
The prosecutors aren't interested in what he has to say. There are better witnesses, more reliable witnesses who have corroborated all the facts already.
The prosecutors do not need this shell of a man to flip.
Plus, Rudy isn't exactly a credible witness. He's told so many lies, so many different versions of events, and he has proven he's willing to say anything to save his own skin. The defense would tear him apart on the stand.
The only way he gets a deal is if he can provide hard evidence the prosecution doesn't already have.
At this rate they don’t need anyone to “flip”. At the end of the day these morons got busted doing illegal shit and there is more than enough evidence that they don’t need someone else’s testimony. Flip or not then are fucked.
Lmao no, no one of his bootlickers believe in him. Not even Gaetz. When push comes to shove is everyone for themselves. Although, the Four Season Landscaping fiasco (still get a good laugh at that one) make me question his sanity.
Plus I have to imagine that lawyers such as Jack Smith and those on his team have a deep loathing for corrupt attorneys like Giuliani and would love to see him brought to justice.
To quote Giuliani himself, He has insurance, and knows where the bodies are buried.
There are likely extemporaneous contemporaneous notes of items of interest
He deserves all the ridicule in the world for this, as well as anyone else involved in this scheme to overthrow a duly elected government. I will gleefully watch this trial and not feel bad about enjoying it whatsoever.
If he really has to use bonds man, things are not looking too good for him. At this point he has to consider whether cooperating is the better option or not, right?
It seems to me that this will escalate rather quickly between them.
Prosecution doesn't need him. Rudy has lied and contradicted himself so often you simply couldn't put him on the stand. His testimony would be impeached within minutes. So his only value would be if he could provide background information that wasn't available through other means. Well they have all of his electronic devices (18 from his apartment alone!), all of his texts and emails, what else can he offer?
Uh-oh. He isn't rich anymore. According to Trump, that means he's automatically a loser. Guess he won't be getting any support from the orange guy anymore, not that he was getting much.
While it doesn't automatically mean that Giuliani sees the money, Trump is apparently having a fundraiser dinner for him. So maybe he does have something on Trump, still.
I like to play a game where I think of the worst thing Trump could do, and it’s most often correct. Call it Covfefe’s Razor. Trump will pocket 100% of the proceeds and use some fraction of it to extort him to keep him in line, the rest will go to Trump’s legal defense including any lawyers fixing things for Trump by ‘representing’ Rudy.
Someone has already explained the mechanics of bail to you but from a cultural perspective it's important to note that someone going to one of these storefront bail bondsmen is interpreted as a sign that you are
in an awful lot of trouble
probably a person to avoid because your problems will have a tendency to become my problems
broke enough that you're willing to pay punitive interest in order to stay out of jail
Normally I'd be all on my soapbox about how the bail system essentially means that poor people get punished more for the same crimes and shit like that but this guy really is an absolute monster. Back in the 90s everyone loved him for "cleaning up New York City" using the twin powers of aggressively racist policing and violence against homeless people. After 9/11 they all but made him a saint, started calling him "America's Mayor" and shit like that, but those of us who had been paying attention knew that he was a shit leader and a shit person who was benefiting from the fact that we needed someone to rally behind after the tragedy that was the 9/11 attacks. Watching him be exposed for the grifter and criminal that he always was has been cathartic for a lot of people.
To expand on why this isn't a good look - bail bondsmen typically charge a non-refundable 10% of bail. So if you're a former mayor who shit on your own legacy by trying to overthrow the government and your bail is set at $150,000 that means you're paying a bail bondsman $15,000 that you won't get back ever. That $15,000 is a fee that they apply in case they need to hire a bounty hunter to drag your delinquent ass to court.
A person usually tries pretty hard to raise bail without paying a bondsman because they don't want to lose that 10%. So this is basically the equivalent of Giuliani going to a Payday Loans lender to get an advance on his paycheck at a predatory rate.
Basically, if you are deemed not a risk to the community/flight risk(all arguable in this case but they did set them bail amounts), the courts give you a sum based on your accused offense you can pay to get out of jail till the trial date. If you show up to trial you get the bail amounts back, if you don't you get a warrant and the courts keep your money. Where bail "bonds" come into play, is they are companies acting as pseudo banks who will lend you money to make bail with interest obviously. It's very predatory because the only people who generally have to use these are poor people and the states don't care about poor criminals enough to make it not so predatory.
I haven’t seen bonds work like that (but I don’t doubt some do).
The way they work around me is:
You get a bond for $2000
You go to a bail bondsman and give them the paperwork
You pay 15% of your bond to them ($300 in this case)
That’s it. They keep your $300 and they post your $2000 bail. You don’t get your $300 back when you go to court. But you also don’t get hunted down by a bounty hunter and you don’t get additional charges for skipping as long as you show up for your court date.
If you have a lot of money/property you put that up for 100% of the bail amount, which you get back if you show up to court.
If you don't have enough money/property, you go to a bondsman, pay the 10% and they put up the other 90%. You never get your 10% back even if you show in court.
So if you're gonna run, you just pay the 10%, which over the decades resulted in bail amounts 10x higher than they should be.
It's basically a "poor tax" that Rudy apparently has to pay.
I mean it is a big deal, oddly though I don't feel all that satisfied I'm just trusting that the professionals are handling it and I trust that the right outcome will eventually prevail