Canadian egg farms have tens of thousands of chickens on average, and there's a lot of separate farms.
US egg farms have millions, and there are fewer total farms.
If a single bird gets infected with avian flu the whole flock needs to be culled. Bigger flocks are both more likely to catch it, and more birds affected when it happens.
Inversely, most provinces have supply management of dairy and poultry products to insure a stable price for consumers and protect farmers from inevitable variable conditions.
Did you know that committing atrocity against chickens is in fact entirely optional? You can live a longer, healthier, wealthier life by simply not abusing animals.
That is brilliant. The caveat is that anyone that understands the reference, significance, and warning probably is already on the right side. It will go right over the heads of the ones that are the problem.
No, that is not the issue anymore and has not been for a while. Last time, to stop this, the government had to threaten with anti cartel actions - the prices were suddenly down again.
You might be thinking drug cartel when you see the word cartel. A cartel is a group of companies in the same business colluding for reasons like to remove safety regulations or keep prices high. There is a worldwide diamond cartel that keeps those prices up and spreads bullshit about how your fiance won't be happy without an expensive, natural diamond. Yes, there is even a cartel for eggs. They are loving bird flu because they can blame it for high prices.