Yeah, it took a plague, real shit winter, famine, mass migration invasions and many civil wars. US has a long way to go to reach that point.
Historians might look at this point in time and say "Trump's second presidency severely weakened the dollar. This had the knock on effects to make borrowing more expensive which made it harder to maintain their public expenses. Their issue was that the army always eats first, the people get the rest. No bread and games was ultimately the downfall."
Dont down play what damage trump and musk will do like that. Its like trying to tell the people its better to be occupied by the nazi rather then have crazed conmie rusians ransack and rape their way through europe.
yes, and that's my problem with these posts, they act as if america is currently in the process of the soviet collapse, problem is, we are literally nowhere near that stage of progression, if we even get there at all.
The collapse of the Soviet union arguably lasted thirty years. The roman empire collapsed over a couple hundred.
Half of the US government does not know whether they currently have a job. And that's not an exaggeration, thousands on thousands of employees have been fired, their firing paused by a judge, and are currently awaiting whether or not their boss is going to listen to the president or the courts; all while these agencies have effectively been crippled and will not function practically at all for the next four years.
The US is speed running collapse, and we're later in the game than you seem to want to admit. Scotus will pretty much universally support Trump over the law, as we have seen with recent decisions to overstep lower courts without a writ. It's now down to individuals, and at that point empires collapse. It just seems slow because societal and economic inertia for 370 million people is ridiculous.
we still have a congress and state governments, the judicial branch still exists. The entire rest of the government still exists in an isolated and distinctly separate form.
that's what people keep telling me, but the worst thing to happen is DOGE making up numbers, and trump changing the head of the military (no martial law has been enforced, nothing interesting has happened)
There have been a literal million counter suits in regards to every single thing the trump admin has done, those people are still alive, they aren't getting defenestrated yet.
I'm really trying to see it happening, but all i'm seeing is bad things happening, not the destruction of a country.
Respectfully, what the fuck are you talking about? People are already being rounded up and the camps are being built. All checks have been removed, the bus is screaming towards the cliff with no breaks but we haven't technically gone over it so you're arguing semantics?
It's been just over a month with no sign of slowing down, on pace to beat Hitler's record of 50-odd days. But you're chilling because the judicial system (which has already proved toothless against Trump) has a bunch angry letters floating around...
oh really people are being rounded up? Do we have documented evidence of this claim? And the camps are being built? What type of camps are they? Death camps? Gas chambers? Torture institutions, what are talking about here?
And to be fair, some of the immigration shit is really bad, Guantanamo bay for example, but we've done similar shit in the past, the japanese during ww2 for example. The US didn't implode the second that one happened.
All checks have been removed
the checks are literally proceeding against the current administration in power. You're literally stupid if you aren't aware of this, it's been all over the news.
but we haven’t technically gone over it so you’re arguing semantics?
yeah, because the bus could stop. Or like, turn. Literally anything could happen in between the cliff and now, but for some reason everybody seems to think the only option is death, and they don't even want to do anything about it, they just want to mope about it online.
It’s been just over a month with no sign of slowing down, on pace to beat Hitler’s record of 50-odd days.
yeah that's literally what they want you to think, they want you to be overwhelmed and for you to give up, it gives them a sense of power, when in reality, ever order trump has given has been returned with a lawsuit, DOGE is making up numbers that are literally unaccounted for, and the trump admin is a bumbling mess that can't even engage in basic diplomacy.
But you’re chilling because the judicial system (which has already proved toothless against Trump) has a bunch angry letters floating around…
i'm chilling because nothing devastating has happened yet, maybe the power and water gets shut off nation wide, i'll be concerned about it, but until then, i have better efforts to focus my time on.
You haven't personally seen your friend taken by ICE. You're not aware of the location, number, and scale of the camps and aren't bothered by a few legal residents already being swept up.
Did you know the camps in Germany were built for the same reason? Can't ship out undesirables fast enough so we'll just put them all here. We'll give them some work to do as well to keep them productive. It's getting a little too full and expensive, let's feed them sawdust and add gas chambers. Hey, run a few inhumane medical experiments as well, why not.
The checks are not working. Injunctions are being ignored: funding is still being withheld and jobs are not being reinstated.
Yes, a lot of things can happen to the bus. But if you're not fighting to take the wheel from the maniac you see then all as acceptable outcomes. What "better efforts" can you possibly put above this?
Being aware, organizing, resisting and preparing are not the same thing as moping. Did you participate in the economic protest today or did you have better things to do?
When you remove bricks from random places on a structure, it'll stand for a while, until too many are taken. Then it all comes apart at once. BRICS is looking like it could remove a cornerstone.