Den krypterade meddelandeappen Signal växer – nu använder till och med Försvarsmakten appen. Men regeringen vill tvinga bolaget att införa en teknisk bakdörr åt Polisen och Säpo. – Om det blir verklighet så lämnar vi Sverige, säger Signals chef Meredith Whittaker, i en exklusiv intervju med SVT.
Swedish government wants a back door in signal for police and 'Säpo' (Swedish federation that checks for spies)
Let's say that this becomes a law and Signal decides to withdraw from Sweden as they clearly state that they won't implement a back door; would a citizen within the country still be able to use and access Signals services? Assuming that google play services probably would remove the Signal app within Sweden (which I also don't use)
I just want the government to go f*ck themselves, y'know?
E2E with privately generated and held keys, have you published your PGP public key yet?
Exactly. You can't stop secure encryption.
I remember in the very old days of the internet when only the US had strong encryption and thought it was some gotcha. They labeled it a weapon to prevent overseas export. Phil Zimmerman created PGP, lobbed the source into a book (protected under 1st amendment) then shipped it overseas.
If strong encryption exists and people want to use it, you're just not going to be able to stop them.
While I appreciate they have it, this is still rocket science when you describe it to an average user of mail. This stuff needs to be almost automatic and happen in the background for it to really be used by the masses. :-(