You are filth! You are garbage!! You are the lowest kind of scum that has ever polluted the face of the Earth! I want you to die slowly, but not too slowly because I want to be able to enjoy defiling your sister on your grave!!
Are we still on for Thursday? My Mom is making taco salad.
I have to go, but here's some books you might like.
If you like Neil Gaiman, look up Tanith Lee. Gaiman admits that she was his inspiration, and he stole a lot of his best ideas from her. "Night's Master" is about a demon prince who travels the world seducing and/or tormenting humans.
Alan Furst's "Night Soldiers" is a WW2 era spy story that reads like a cross between Ian Fleming and Franz Kafka. A young Bulgarian fisherman becomes radicalized after fascists curb stomp his kid brother. He travels to Moscow and becomes a KGB agent in the Spanish Civil War.
Colson Whitehead has two books about a 1960s Harlem fence. "Harlem Shuffle" and "The Crook Manifesto." Reading them is like hanging out in a smoky barroom listening to some OG's talking about life in the 1960s and 1970s.
you can have (well, used to) eggs anytime.. fried, boiled, scrambled, omelets, poached--whatever. but gram's special deviled eggs were for 'special occasions' only. she always made enough, so yea. gonna eat far more eggs that way than i ever would in a normal breakfast or meal.
Also, deviled eggs are usually put out at a festival. Gunning down six eggs at a 6 am breakfast is gluttony. Noshing on a dozen deviled eggs over the course of an evening is not grotesque.