Even if we are arguing with bots or the fed, at least any lurkers reading this thread discussion will hopefully learn something and potentially be more sympathetic or support our side.
I do highly suspect it is bots, shills, or the fed as we are seeing a lot more trolling than normal on our instance today.
They always think they're so clever as well with their "witty" comebacks. I notice they're always ignoring responses that they can't actually challenge. Nothing says "my position is the correct one" quite like just pretending the people who point out the flaws in it just don't exist and only focusing on the people insulting them.
I personally think that you all were very patient with that KKKumSSKKKin (yes, I use these spellings at times.) I mean the fact that the uSSer was saying they didn't give a shit about voting, and yet encouraged us to vote for fucking KKKopmala HarriSS means that they were either a weSStern leftiSSt, a shill for the DemoKKKratSS co-opting leftism, or a fucking troll.
I mean personally, I have very little patience for time wasters like them, so thanks very glad to you and all dear comrades who tried to explain eleKKKtoraliSSm to that troll.
I felt awful having to spell "leftist" like that, but it is for KKKraKKKerSS like em.