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That said, he's probably still richer than everyone else here.
32 8 Replysoggy_kitty "probably", you mean definitely.
33 0 Replypomodoro_longbreak
I mean most likely, but I haven't checked my bank balance in a while so can't be 100% certain
29 1 ReplySkipper_the_Eyechild Schrodinger's bank account?
5 0 Replysoggy_kitty I can check it for you, is your pin still 1234?
3 0 Replypomodoro_longbreak
I'm a programmer
14 0 Replysoggy_kitty Clearly I'm a garbage programmer who is 1 indexed. I feel ashamed
5 0 Replyzalgotext It's ok, someone's gotta take the bullet called Matlab
4 0 Reply
IHadTwoCows Why does that matter at all? If anything it shows that wealth has nothing to do with competence
17 2 ReplyFlying Squid
True, but it can buy a lot of people to tell you how smart and wonderful and handsome you are so you can pretend all that bad stuff never happened.
6 1 Replyeskimofry But deep down the truth still knocks
3 0 Replyroot_beer He already has his mom for that so he’s wasting his money
2 0 Reply
the_q He's still a piece of garbage regardless of his ill-gotten gains.
11 2 ReplyHonytawk A lot of people could get rich if they lost their morals.
Good thing they don't though, or the world would be even more shitty.
8 1 ReplyMonkeyhog And that matters?
9 2 ReplyAdrianTheFrog
still one of the richest people in the world I think
5 1 ReplyLavaPlanet $50 bucks says, he still never feels like it's enough.
5 0 Reply