I'm not against people having trucks or modifying them for performance or off-roading or whatever, but people who modify their truck for no other reason than to pollute more are nothing but fucking assholes.
It makes me laugh as in the UK a vehicle bellowing smoke due to an old or broken down engine has always been an indicator of someone being broke and unable to fix it upgrade it, these wankers are intentionally making their trucks look like they're skin flints.
As long as the performance mods don't make them louder and they're driving them at night. Or if they do things like put bigger rims on and then complain about potholes in the roads or park in EV spots.
Unfortunately though, a lot of these people are peacocking, and many of them only modify their cars to ensure others notice them (which unfortunately also means annoying/inconveniencing others)
Many of biggest badasses I've met when hiking or mountaineering, drive the crappiest cars ever (some of them drive crappy old sedans)