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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 4
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Praise our Lord and savior Capgod

Creds to for the art


Which Tokusatsu show should get the Shin treatment?

With the recent Ultraman and Kamen Rider movies, what other series should get a modern update? I'm personally hoping for an old-school 70s Super Sentai type of thing.

I'll also accept Shin Bionicle because fucking why not


So I tried Redfall on Game Pass...

It's just as lifeless as the vampires in it.

Anybody else played it?


So uh... now what?

You guys think Pat and Woolie will talk about the whole reddit thing on the podcast tomorrow? Do other refugees know that we're here?