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Will Rosecrans, @forkazoo on Twitter

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Comments 3
Controversial Opinion (?) - The Ultra-Profiteering Economy of Ferenginar and Adherence to the Rules of Acquisition is the most stable and ethical expression of capitalism
  • @CaptObvious @commander_la_freak

    Yes, TNG started before the breakup of the USSR, so criticism of capitalism was a pretty radical thing to put in primetime in America in the late cold war. The Ferengi were explicitly analogized with "Yankee traders" to make it clear that they were basically "Evil Space America" as a twisted mirror alternative to the Federation's "Good Space America" with only the nice parts.

  • Annotations for *Star Trek: Strange New Worlds* 2x08: “Under the Cloak of War” (SPOILERS)
  • @Hogger85b @khaosworks The designer must have made it to at least the Warp Physics 102 class the following semester.

  • Why was the Galaxy class saucer separation ability so rarely used?
  • @maegul @williams_482 I think it would actually be good TV for Lower Decks. A California class might have to visit a Galaxy class saucer that has been left in orbit for a month managing a research expedition or a conference, while the stardrive section got delayed hunting a Romulan warbird.
    It just wouldn't be good television for a show set on a Galaxy class ship. The only way to do a "split ship" show would probably be to mainly follow characters on only one half.