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a weird little guy

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Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?
  • I haven't bothered with DC movies since Wonder Woman (2017). It was an OK movie, and then I stepped outside and forgot about it. So I can't speak to how bad those movies are, haha. With Marvel, I do think the quality is good, it's just that I'm not interested anymore. I have a hard time understanding how anyone is still excited after 15 continuous years of the same stuff.

  • Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?
  • I'm just bored of superheroes in general, I think. I watched up to the first Avengers movie as they came out, and kind of lost interest after that. GotG was fun, and I liked the first Black Panther. Loved Thor: Ragnarok. There's just probably a limit to how much someone can do with that set of concepts without getting repetitive.

  • Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?
  • i would love to see revivals of old franchises go the way of the dodo. i am as nostalgic as any millennial but if i want to see indiana jones or ghostbusters or whatever, i'll just watch the originals.

    i don't think the superhero franchises are going anywhere, unfortunately. they are still reliable, even with some people losing interest over time. it seems like a good moneymaking bet for disney at least. and all the studios seem really risk-averse lately, more than they used to be.