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85% Of Car Drivers Break 20mph Speed Limits, Reveals U.K.’s Department For Transport
  • @TDCN Yeah don't get me wrong, I think it will probably a net positive and I definitely would wish for harsher penalties here... but I can simply imagine a lot of "false positives" that could end catastrophically.

    E.g. basically everyone here has a story where at a construction site on a highway/country road the signage was horrible and they breezed through the temporary 30/50 zone with the normal 100/120, just because there are no real rules. You can have a limit to any arbitrary number on the unlimited stretches of the highway, so there's no "oh, construction zone, this must be 50 now", no it could be any of: 100,80,70,60,50,40,30.

  • 85% Of Car Drivers Break 20mph Speed Limits, Reveals U.K.’s Department For Transport
  • @TDCN But naively, isn't this also some sort of "never let a friend borrow your car"? Wouldn't that encourage middle-class people who don't own a car because they can sometimes borrow one to just buy one now? I suppose this is a miniscule percentage, but still. (Disclaimer: Am German, currently I have no car of my own, and averaged like 1 speeding ticket per 7 years of driving)