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dad (he/him) engineer, data scientist, musician, scientist, nerd, ...
advocate of #permaculture, #degrowth, #retrosuburbia, open source software #FOSS, cargo bikes, and #frugalHedonism. I live on Kaurna land, and watch in sadness and anger as we make a complete hash of it.

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Comments 2
Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
  • @jgkoomey
    what do you think it would take to achieve a global absolute decoupling?
    I think we'd need a global renewable manufacturing industry that could produce/distribute/install renewables faster than the rate of energy consumption increase -- and that this industry would, itself, need to be powered by renewables.
    Is that the sort of thing you have in mind?

    @jackofalltrades @urlyman @FantasticalEconomics @ajsadauskas @green

  • Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
  • @jgkoomey
    "Efficiency doesn’t cause increases in energy use except on the margin for a limited number of cases."
    Can you please provide a citation for this?

    @urlyman @FantasticalEconomics @jackofalltrades @ajsadauskas @green