Speaks fluently sarcasm. Nerdy with some professional interest in warehousing (data and pyhsical ;-). Because Logistics is awesome. Traveling and photography. Dogs are the better humans. Good music must be made with string instruments. From Bach to Manowar. Does not care about your gender. The opposite of right is not left but progressive. \#fckafd #fckptn

@whydudothatdrcrane There are only two relevant parties who are against gender neutrality: The Nazis from AfD and CxU. I also don*t like the Binnen-I and use an browser extension to fix that for me.
Krankenschwester is already female the offical Job name is Krankenpflegefachkraft (which is already neutral).

@whydudothatdrcrane No, gender neutral pronouns are not banned. What is banned is the Binnen-I (Mitarbeiter*innen). It is recommended to use much easier to read Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen or Mitarbeitende. Also the belittled version Mitarbeiterchen is gender neutral and allowed.