There were several atomoxetine shortages in EU already. Dunno about other parts of the world, but it is also an issue for the atom.
Still, he did achieve his goal of being a president of US not once but twice. He had to make a deal with the devil to achieve it but he did. And if he was totally incompetent even the devil wouldn't help. And it's not like his deal has cost him much at all so far.
I think there is a good chance he'd know how to skirt the law if he'd start at a lower rung too.
He could get destroyed in public's eye same way he got created (well to the extent of actually getting to be a president). The propaganda machine that created him could just as well annihilate him.
He is not the one controlling all the media and more importantly all the internet propaganda.
I don't think he'd care about the daughter really. He would care though about being shown for a fool he is. And I have no doubt that Trump understands this fully. Putin's propaganda machine both helped this orange narc get elected and is the means to strip him of it if he misbehaves.
Yeahhhhh. I'm on a correct dosage of atomoxetine since a bit over a month and I still cannot get used to just being so calm. The need for energy drinks and sweets literally evaporated after a one week retreat, as did my obsessive need for gaming which I used as a soothing tool since being a lil undiagnosed kid.
I can count moments in my life when I felt this internally calm on the fingers of one hand. It feels so eerie right now, and I'm feeling my brain looking for a gotcha moment that will end this. Hope this stays with me for a longer while and gives me a shot at sorting out my life without being a stress powered ball.