My French is not good enough yet to reply mais: C'est le cas partout. Credit card companies have turned into the purity police on all these platforms. If the platform allows NSFW, these companies bail out. People who work in the sex industry (fully legally) also have a hard time being accepted into banks. It’s a shitshow.
I’m running into the same issue as you. I wish we had different NSFW tags for different content. NSFW for porn, NSFL for gore/violence, NSFWM(ild) (or something similar) for text/not necessarily full blown porn. It would make filtering much easier. Using just the one tag has been counterproductive.
I was so reluctant to get a swiffer for so long bc I hate the idea of single use things (I still do) but it’s just so stupid practical and really catches a ton of dust. Dusting for me was a lot of work with a wet rag, rinse and wring out, dust some more + dry rag to avoid streaks.
Edit: just realized it’s called swiffer not swifter lmfao.
You can sign it on the initiative’s website. It’s linked in there.
keeping information like training methods and data sources secret was necessary to stop its work being copied by rivals.
In addition to the possible business threat, forcing OpenAI to identify its use of copyrighted data would expose the company to potential lawsuits. Generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E are trained using large amounts of data scraped from the web, much of it copyright protected.
These two paragraphs one after the other really brightened my day.