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Why does it feel like evil is winning globally?
  • evil people have always been there, but we're in an era of many crisis's, it was easier to ignore it when it didn't personally effect you. Now i imagine in the next 10-20 years it'll start effecting everyone in ways we've yet to imagine. But I don't think its the end of the world or anything just that its probably time we start considering what we want our futures to look like and start making plans to survive or fight.

  • What is your favorite retro racing game?
  • re-volt and quantum redshift

  • This New Handheld Aims To Bring Back The Magic Of '80s Text Adventures | Time Extension
  • I personally like the idea and can see the appeal, it looks like it might being going for a more modern style "point and click" or gamebook type text adventure and tbh the free-form type your command text adventure games can be a pretty frustrating if the parser programmed poorly.

  • Music Monday - what have you been listening to?
  • I've been on a nostalgia binge as a lately and decided to listen to a bunch of stuff from my childhood. The Killers, No Doubt, Modest Mouse ect. I used to be really into rock, as a kid.

  • A Dragon I Drew in Color Pencil
  • thank you, I haven't thought about that, you may be right. I'll have to look into that

  • A Dragon I Drew in Color Pencil
  • oh this isn't a photograph, but a scan instead, i tried taking a pic before but my photography skills are abysmal.

  • A Dragon I Drew in Color Pencil
  • also, does anyone have any advice on scanning color pencil drawings, the colors never seem to match the original