He's an absolute dictator who has his (serious) opponents murdered. Seems clear to me.
"they’ve defended Russian territory, in Russia." LOL Prigozhin is dead, he's not doing another march on Moscow.
Putin is a fascist. That is a fact. (so is Trump for that matter) Fascists should be opposed, this is also a fact.
My question is why do you uncritically support fascists?
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Send in the Wagner PMC group (named after Hitler's favourite composer and co founded by a NAZI) to oppose them Because of course Russia does not have a NAZI problem. (Shame Prigozhin got out of line and had to be murdered in the end.)
"Reasserting your empty claim is not evidence." If you spent 20 seconds more looking you would have found more news reports of the North Korean troops. But you didn't. And I'm not bothering.
"NATO did exactly what they recognized for decades would push Russia to invade." Which is nothing.
"Ask how Russia should deal with a foreign power covertly manipulating their neighbor’s politics to elevate Nazis who would go on to bomb Russian speakers." LOL Now you are into delusional crackpot territory.
So your answer is to capitulate at every threat. Good going.
North Korea could not have been forced to use their troops to attack Ukraine if Kim Jong Un did not want them too. Iran I'm guessing did not care which hospital their weapons landed in.
Serious question here, but how exactly do you think the world should deal with a dictator armed with nukes? Capitulate at every single threat?
Maybe Iran and North Korea shouldn't have made such an obvious and stupid choice to escalate the conflict by allowing Russia to use their weapons?
"I’m sure you’ll be able to find comparable levels of involvement of Iran in the conflict..." My point was that Russia was using Iranian weapons to attack Ukraine... So by your logic Iran was attacking Ukraine. Especially as they would have had to train Russian troops to use those weapons. But if you are talking about "boots on the ground" those could not compete with the (at least) 10,000 North Korean troops in Ukraine. So by your logic North Korea are also attacking Ukraine. Who is escalating here?
As a side note the only person here who is threatening to use nukes again and again is Putin.
This should be delivered to Putin, How exactly should the world deal with a fanatic armed with nukes?
"They don’t have any standing to enter the war," That is true, but then they are not entering the war. No more than Iran is.... And I like the phrase "boots on the ground"... utterly meaningless.
"There is no chance of the USA attacking Russian territory? Really?" yes, exactly. Unless Iran is attacking Ukrainian territory. Seriously, this is complete bollocks. "The USA is salami..." And yet it is Russia who is attacking other countries and annexing territory... not the US. You are really full of shit here.
"That does not give the USA the right to attack Russian territory." What? There is no chance of this.... No one is even suggesting it. Seriously touch grass
I like the "illegal violence", without that 'illegal' in there so many governments would be classified as terrorist organisations.