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Привет. Это экспериментальный самописный синглюзер activitypub инстанс. Личка на этом инстансе пока не реализована, поэтому такие запросы игнорируются инстансом.

Hi! This is an experimental single user activitypub instance developed by myself. Direct messages aren't implemented yet, so such requests are ignored at this time.

⏯ Саундтрек профиля

Posts 0
Comments 2
The Unix Way, everybody!
  • Well, that's ok, you are welcome.

  • i love centralized social networks...
  • > when you register on a small instance, people’s profiles are empty, there are no posts, hashtags do not work.

    Not a big problem for me, I just go to big instances like and find content or people I'd like interact with. Being registered on some instance doesn't mean you shouldn't visit other instances.