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timrichards Tim Richards

Travel writer living and working on Wurundjeri land in Melbourne, Australia. Rail travel expert, current books on sale include Heading South and Ultimate Train Journeys: World. See my published writing at

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The saga of Waverley Park — Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!)
  • @ajsadauskas @awelder @jedsetter @nictea @philip @fuck_cars And Perth doesn't even have much of a pre-car inner-city, so it's dominated by car-friendly suburbia. The new train lines are good, but it's a pity they run between freeways and thus miss out on local walkable neighbourhoods around them.

  • With BlueSky moving towards finally opening up federation, I'm interested in how people feel about it?
  • @ajsadauskas @fediverse I'd quite like to be able to link up with people I miss who are on other platforms.