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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 4
To Pay for Trump Tax Cuts, House GOP Floats Plan to Slash Benefits for the Poor and Working Class
  • You didn't listen - they talked about corporations buying houses, the middle class disappearing, being unable to live on minimum wage, expanding medical for people that need it.

    The idea that a political party will change just because they lost because they weren't exactly where you wanted is also ignorant. That's never a guarantee. Otherwise we would currently be living in utopia. Maybe it will cycle back, by the time we're all dead

  • Trump least popular newly elected president since Second World War – except for himself
  • It makes me so sad. I live here and I feel constant shame, anger, depression. I always say the right is filled with hate, but I find myself hating and it bothers me. I try to understand everyone.

    But we're reaching the point of how much tolerance should intolerant people be shown? And I'm over it personally, fuck anybody who voted for him/not at all and fuck him too.

  • "Meritocracy"
  • Escorts don't have to be removed now. But I think the idea that her sex appeal directly influenced her hiring definitely has merit. Could it be worded better? Sure, but it's obviously not meant as an offensive to escorts.

  • Truly feels hopeless - any techniques to calm my mind?

    I've posted previously and appreciate everyone and all the advice. As an update, I'm still without a job. IT in the Midwest area seems to be horrendously bad. I have friends out of work too, its not just me, but I'm over a year at this point.

    Changed my resume more times than I can count, using advice from here, friends, ChatGPT, etc. No difference really.

    My car was always first on the list to be replaced. Well, a few fays ago I hit/ran over an animal that ran out and it destroyed my radiator and who knows what else. This is a big problem, I live 30-35 minutes from any sort of city with jobs.

    All I can do when I try to sleep is lay in bed and go over it all, how bad it is, what did I do wrong, why do things just keep getting worse and worse, etc. I'm hoping someone has a technique that works for them to get those thoughts out. So I can sleep well, and have the energy to keep on

    Of course I'll accept advice about anything, and appreciate the time and everyone reading!

    Thank you

    FOLLOWUP: I've lost it all and I don't know how to handle it
  • Good tips, I think that I tend towards a mix of what I was responsible for and the accomplishments I made. But I might be too much one way than the other.

    Something I struggle with is keeping it brief enough to not end up with a 4 page resume, while also getting in those keywords and tools and such that ATS systems are looking for.

  • FOLLOWUP: I've lost it all and I don't know how to handle it

    To all who previously replied thank you - your encouragement and letting me know I'm not alone meant a lot.

    I would also like to mention one individual offered to send a few dollars my way, and that's more than I could've ever hoped for. It helped me get some groceries and gas, so THANK YOU.

    In reference to applying at 2000+ jobs and not being employed, I didn't mean to indicate I had NO response. I had many false starts, jobs where I went through multiple interview rounds, or jobs that just weren't feasible (i.e 100+ miles away on-site). Particularly, I keep finding situations where I'm contacted by a company, asked to do a phone interview, then when I reply (usually within a few hours if not immediately) to schedule a time they just ghost me.

    I did take up the offers to look over my resume via DM, but no one replied funny enough.

    On to mental health - I'm better than I was. I still feel utterly hopeless, but maybe a bit less so ya know? My thoughts are... Difficult at times, but I keep moving forward as best I can.

    All this to say thank you. I got more response than I ever expected, and I appreciated every one and I read them all. I hope you all have a good day, and keep pushing forward.


    I've lost it all and I don't know how to handle it

    Let me start. I previously resided in a north eastern US state, I had a good job, a good partner, a nice place to live. I thought I'd made it.

    I started having medical problems, discovered I carry certain genes and such. Was having trouble getting them diagnosed, but such is life.

    Then my good partner left me, I lost my job of a year and a half, and I thought a fresh start near family would be good. I decided to move cross country. Which I regret, I want to leave but now I don't have the resources so here I am.

    I just can't seem to get a job, I've applied at over 2000 jobs in the last 6 months. My previous job was managing the entire technology infrastructure for an IT company. The one before that was the IT Manager for a small company. I have the experience, but I can't get a job.

    Last night I swerved to avoid deer in the road, got stuck in the mud and had to get towed out. I'm flat broke, I can't get a job, I have nothing. I lost everything. And I don't see myself ever recovering it. I have the experience and skill to do at least mid and some high level IT work.

    I desperately want a remote job because my car is not reliable, my partner got the good car sadly. I've certainly made mistakes, I've certainly failed. But I don't think I deserve this much pain and suffering. I have nothing, I've lost it all. I can't find a job. I don't dare look for a partner while I'm a dead broke loser, so I have no one to share with.

    Anyways, I apologize for whining and crying, I know we're all going through things. But I have nowhere to vent and it just keeps getting worse and I honestly don't think I'll ever get out.

    Love you all. Thanks for reading. Please think of me when you get a chance and send good vibes my way.
