It's such a shame to see such a really good video like this destroyed with those terrible subtitles.
Does anyone know where the original is?
Just totally impossible huh? OK.
Enjoy myopia I guess? Look, it might not be true, but it's not so far fetched either. Her father appears to be mossad. I don't know. With more, actual info, we could draw a factual conclusion. I'm not going to blinker myself though for something that's totally a viable outcome.
It is low effort, but, it's a likely outcome. Not every comment needs to be a masterful literary work to be relevant.
I have read many theories on this. They are theories, but they are quite believable. I would not be surprised in the slightest if they were true.
Same generic image posted across multiple communities. OF is what destroyed the niche communities of reddit, and now it's going to do the same here. How can we stop this mass posted spam?
Same generic image posted across multiple communities. OF is what destroyed the niche communities of reddit, and now it's going to do the same here. How can we stop this mass posted spam?
Same generic image posted across multiple communities. OF is what destroyed the niche communities of reddit, and now it's going to do the same here. How can we stop this mass posted spam?
Same generic image posted across multiple communities. OF is what destroyed the niche communities of reddit, and now it's going to do the same here. How can we stop this mass posted spam?
Same generic image posted across multiple communities. OF is what destroyed the niche communities of reddit, and now it's going to do the same here. How can we stop this mass posted spam?
I wholeheartedly and respectfully disagree. I used to visit the communities, let's say /r/assholebehindthong or something like /r/assontheglass. It was a true community full of people who were into that particular fetish. It was smaller, traffic was not as fast, but the posts were quality. Pure quality.
Now it's a non stop stream of:
- do you like my (insert appendage)
- my husband won't fuck me, will you?
- upvote for nudes in your inbox
- etc etc etc
Total clickbait spammy shit. You'll visit a subreddit like /r/doublevaginal and you'll get an OF spammer posting an image that has nothing to do with DV and a title like "would you like to double vag me?!".
The subreddits have been laid waste to the scourge of OF spamming. I yearn for the days when the subreddits were actual, real people posting real, focused content. It's done, it's gone and it's nearly 100% OF material that's killed it.
This is what killed nsfw on reddit. All these beautiful, niche subs. Destroyed by of spam. I wrote a bot that scanned a posters history, and if it found an of link, it flagged them. Of course it was banned on reddit.
I am quite time poor to learn a new bot language here at the moment but in time I could give it a crack.
OF spam kills communities.