My boss is retiring and the amount of work they had to do just to get everything setup is insane. They had to take off work so many times just to speak with people in person at the local offices or to do research so that they choose the right medical plan. Luckily they have their wits about them and retirement money from the company. I can’t imagine anyone who is in a less fortunate or less stable situation trying to get any of this done themselves. I know they say you should have 1-2 years of expenses saved up in cash before retirement, but what about those who need it yesterday? The only two questions should be 1)are you X years or older? and 2)are you a citizen of the USA?
Maybe this is a hot take, but why don’t we just make all the law abiding undocumented immigrants legal and just move the fuck on? We need a party that will focus on healthcare and education the most as those two things will create a better society in the long run. Having these other individuals able to fully participate in society could be helpful in many ways as well.
Well fuck this all to hell. They both deserve to be underneath the jail and there is so much evidence to prove their guilt. Just disgusting.
I just wish traveling were a more pleasant experience in general. I gotta take an extra day off after coming back home because modes of travel in USA are so exhausting.
I only use my phone when not at home. At home, it’s about 50/50 tablet/desktop.
Neighborhood chicken lady went from $2 to $3 a dozen due to the price increase of chicken feed. Hopefully her chickens won’t be affected, mostly for her & her family’s sake.
This won’t stop users from removing DRM. There will always be a way to own your e-books.