theyouttogetme @
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Comments 6
Rock Paper Scissors balance patches theyouttogetme 12 0
Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock
Filing divorce papers as we speak theyouttogetme 19 0
I am yet to see my butt hole.
Props to the translators of TP-Links Omada control panel theyouttogetme 31 6
Feels more like a typo
A new Titanic expedition is planned. The US is fighting it, says wreck is a grave site theyouttogetme 2 2
This is capitalism?
You’re 17 times more likely to die traveling the same distance in a car than on a train theyouttogetme 1 0
I think the number of bikes you'd want and be comfortable on taking long distance is a hand full.
Where as cars you would not want for long distance are a hand full.
Realistically the only rational reason to take a bike long distances is because you want to and enjoy it. Outside of that it's just downsides.
You’re 17 times more likely to die traveling the same distance in a car than on a train theyouttogetme 6 1
I may just be dumb.
But are you trying to say, you'd rather use a motorcycle for long distance and a car for short distance?
As someone who rides, that's like the super opposite of what I do.