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🚜-Antonio @ theTractor

I am a member of a 🎼 #folkmusic band and I play πŸ₯ and πŸͺ—. In my work I deal with #ROS #autonomous #navigation on tracked 🚜 #robots πŸ€– and I occupy my free time ⛷️ with 🚢 #hiking and 🚴 #cycling. I am an attentive 🍞 #sourdough πŸ• breeder, I love ⛰️ #mountains, 🌳 #nature, #photography πŸ“Έ and anti-fascist "pasta asciutta" 🍝. My favorite motto: #savethebear 🐻

Have a good life 🐘 #mastonauti :mastodon\_oops:

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