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how do you choose between two lauchers? steam amd gog through heroic?
  • This. I always check the GOG store first for new games before I go to Steam.

  • what small physical gift would you give your past self?
  • I have not forgotten about your request. Give me time to collect my thoughts, make sure they're cogent, and generally applicable to those who may read it.

  • what small physical gift would you give your past self?
  • A CD-ROM filled with advice, requirements, financial planning (nothing outrageous), a plethora of medical advice in regards to depression and ADHD, and a few books in PDF form. Also, a laundry list of "no no's".

    700mb can go a long way in this situation. I've thought about it before.

  • Frontier Airlines CEO says the pandemic made workers 'lazy' and less productive: 'People are still allowing people to work from home, all this silliness, right?'
  • What does them being white or cisgender have anything to do with it? An idiot is an idiot regardless of the race or gender of the person.

    Unnecessary labels for the subject at hand, imo.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Honestly? Probably go back to sleep.