I think more like tens of minutes a year.
This is shown by a set clock in the car not connected to satellite. If you set the clock in may, to the time on your cellphone, then drive until September, you will notice the clock in the car is behind.
Definitely Lifestyle and amount Spent sitting can affect this. Planes, boat and trains probably the best forms
I THINK it would be everything moving slower around you. Rather than you moving slower than everything.
My hypothesis is that going opposite of rotation is that it would actually add more time than going with as you now add the time you get from things moving slower and you moving fast. We are “not in motion” while in this vehicle. Everything around us is.
Our “not being in motion” is excluding the minor arm leg movements.
Woah it certainly would. To say Which way, with/against the rotation, we’d need a professional.
Damn. Long shower. But fr. Both are true
This is true as your vehicle moves but actually the world around you is aging quicker around you as you move faster than it.
Hence your more time is added to your life.
Motor Vehicles, Even animal powered vehicles extend life.
As you move faster, in your vehicle, than the world around you, you age slower. This increases life spans.
My mental health is the one thing that keeps me going honestly, as truth is a “light burden, I just run with”.
My physical health is another story.
2x Leukemia survivor of 2 different leukemias
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Parkinsonism (meeting a movement specialist)
It sure is frustrating but I tell you that what I say in our conversation is the one thing that keeps me going.
I can and did use it because that gesture is to point at everything in life.
Religion has been the cause of Death since the first death.
If you can’t see that Knowledge of Good and Evil= Religion well I guess you are just like the rest of the world.
Not sure how to explain any further that Knowledge of good and Evil, unless I add the word forces for you, is religion.
It is knowledge of God(s)/(esses) and their Enemies.
To say those with this knowledge are less manipulated is kinda weird to me as Religious and Non Religious leaders have manipulated Billions to kill billions using Religion throughout history.
I am not saying there are not forces Greater than man in the universe. I am saying our beliefs of Good Forves and Evil forces is and always has been used to either Manipulate man or limit the average man’s freedom in life.
This raises hand and shows everything in life
Because religion has caused most all the worlds atrocities or has been used as a weapon against the common man since the start.
Knowledge of Good and Evil is something humans cannot grasp easily and is easily manipulated by man.
All it takes is for one man to call one group evil and many hop on the “Good” Side.
Kennedys assassination is no conspiracy either. It’s been proven and admitted to not be what was stated by the FBI.
To act like there is no real “conspiracy” in reality is not reality.
Trump is a liar no conspiracy there.
What if on top of that, I add that wherever the story of Adam and Eve comes from God tells humans “not to be religious”. The cause fall of man is knowledge of Good and Evil. Knowledge of Good and evil is religion.
It is not right from wrong. Adam and Eve had knowledge of right and wrong. As it was wrong to “eat from the tree” therefore right to not do so.
Call me what you will but I still don’t believe he was shot from the second i saw the video. I won’t be quiet about that the way my mother was never quiet about Kennedys assissination in Dallas.
Knowledge of Good and Evil. The cause of the fall of man
“Young Fox” great name, it’s what the “T” in “tgs” stands for.
This is my point. I’ve grieved for those dead at the event. I believe they were killed.
I don’t believe Trump was shot and so I come to the conclusion he has planned this entire thing. This is what I’ve come to expect from Trump in his reach for Power.
If I am wrong, I’m sorry and willing to admit being wrong.
However, the reason I would be wrong is because Trump is a liar.
I see it as asinine to believe that Trump wouldn’t have his own supporters killed.
You bring up Russia but false flags are right out of the Pig Putins Book. A man with much praise from Trump.
I won’t zip it because I don’t believe he was shot. Until he admits otherwise, I am under the belief that he had his own supporter killed to use their names as a Martyr and say he took a bullet for America
The thing is he couldn’t even wear the Pressure Bandage for more than one night at the RNC. He won’t even pretend he has a boo boo for America.
He is the liar
Edit. Let me add that since bringing this up I realized Trump met with a Putin puppet 2 days before shooting.
I genuinely, since the day it happened, have not believed that Trump was shot.
I watched over and over again and I swear what I saw was WWE theatre.
I would have believed an attempt on his life, from someone anywhere on the Political spectrum (I even said this before info about the shooter came out).
However, I don’t believe Trump. He has had a white mark on his ear for years. The “scab” that he’s playing off as a wound has been there for years.
He is the liar/the first beast!
So when a 12 year old is having their flow every week, what happens then?