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Third spruce tree on the left
Third spruce tree on the left @ tezoatlipoca

\#Canadian (sorry). Being kind, empathetic and supportive to others, #vaccines, #vegans and #LGBT+ are cool; convoys and racists and \*phobes are not. Computer Engineer, #software #developer, #technical #writer, #translation manager, reformed project manager and #SCRUMmaster, dad and boyfriend.

I like video games, programming, baking and cooking. While Im not #vegan, LawyerGF is, so I'm vegan-ISH.

\#tootfinder #searchable @waterlooregion #fedi22

Posts 0
Comments 6
Poilievre asks Singh to pull support for Liberal government to prompt fall election
  • @Beaver

    You can't come down hard against the rail bosses. They're big donors. They can't come down hard against rail labor; they're trying hard to position themselves as the party of the working dude.

    As is usual, governing is hard, and there's no simple black/white easy solution to anything. And when presented with a complex situation, the Cons just go "uh... "

  • Poilievre asks Singh to pull support for Liberal government to prompt fall election
  • @girlfreddy

    His numbers are starting to flatline. I think a lot of Canadians are starting to see that he and the CPC aren't actually offering practical solutions to anything they just like complaining about the Libs. They're asking "ok so what would you do differently?" and their answer is "We're not the Liberals!". uh, ok we get that but wha- "Justin Trudeau is a moron!" uh..
    They need an election before the Libs start to empty the promise tank and really toot their horns in the runup.

  • Canada sets sights on next plastic waste target: food packaging
  • @Grimpen Thata excellent, gotta see if my locals have that!

  • Canada sets sights on next plastic waste target: food packaging
  • @nathris @Ondergetekende Until it closed a few months ago we had a Zero-Waste bulk food store in town and it was where I got a majority of my non produce items: pasta, dried beans, lentils, nooch, bulk spices. (and they were the only place in town with vean meat alts in bulk like Byond and Impossible).

    As a fall-back we go to the regular Bulk Barn type place it has a wider selection and thankfully have started allowing tared u-bring containers again.

    Its bit of an art being zero-waste.