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zu testzwecken \> this is my favorite alt acc on the fedi

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Mastodon alternative with RSS
  • @itsaj26744
    misskey and its cutlery set of forks all have rss support > among them, rss support of firefish and iceshrimp could easily be labeled "rss eye candy of the fediverse"

    rss feeds on the *keys follow the model:

    atom feeds are also available:

  • The Mondragon Corporation: Employee Ownership as Strategy [47:42]
  • @spaduf mondragon is by far the biggest coop worldwide, and the company is not a classical coop, but rather resembles other big capitalist ventures

  • (one of the largest Firefish/Calckey instances) has been down for a week and barely anyone is talking about it
  • @maegul
    when i saw all that happening, i was sure that firefish won't swim, but die soon > the rebranding happened behind closed doors, only to claim that ff was a community project > then, april got kicked out of the dev team, and there was no one else at firefish anymore to do serious backend work > firefish felt like a sect, consumed by its own hype


  • (one of the largest Firefish/Calckey instances) has been down for a week and barely anyone is talking about it
  • @Kierunkowy74
    i use hajkey and iceshrimp, too > but i am not drawn to mastodon clients because they do not offer many *keys features > for the time being, i stick to the pwa

    @RustyOperator @maegul @Amelia

  • (one of the largest Firefish/Calckey instances) has been down for a week and barely anyone is talking about it
  • @Kierunkowy74
    i thought that the iceshrimp devs had rewritten their mastodon api compatibility layer, and that iceshrimp works fine with masto clients ... it doesn't?

    @RustyOperator @maegul @Amelia

  • (one of the largest Firefish/Calckey instances) has been down for a week and barely anyone is talking about it
  • @Amelia
    all the *keys can communicate with lemmy as long as the lemmy post is not a link type post, and firefish users can take advantage of this rather rare event to chat with lemmy and kbin users, too

    @RustyOperator @maegul

  • What is the point of small instances?
  • @bogdugg

    The solution, however, is not to reduce the number of instances, but rather to provide more tools for instances to group communities together.

    kbin collections are grouping together communities, but unfortunately, collections themselves do not federate

  • Alternative Social Media Platforms
  • @YugiohMaster88
    not at all tbh

    when firefish was still calckey, it was a thing > but for a variety of reasons, the project came to a standstill, and two other misskey forks took the lead: iceshrimp and sharkey > as strange as it seems, firefish has already become some kind of legacy ware

    moreover, the *keys have federation issues, especially when it comes to lemmy, but kbin is also heavily affected

  • Alternative Social Media Platforms
  • @Masimatutu
    i agree, and i also recommend friendica!


  • Mastodon has the responsibility to promote diversity in the Fediverse
  • @skullgiver
    when it comes to creativity, mastodon ui is a pre-emptive strike against creativity > vanilla mastodon does not support emoji reactions, and damn!!!!!!! mastodon ui hides that there are other platforms on the fedi than mastodon > mastodon is perfectly fine for all those who want to see mastodon content, and nothing else > creativity? no! creativity starts with openness, and mastodon surely has a rather isolating approach

    @feditips @fediverse @FediFollows @mention @masimatutu @HamSwagwich

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    insightful article on the 2023 pacific games, touching a whole bunch of issues, e.g.

    > > > Then, in 2022, Sogavare faced public criticism for delaying the national elections, which clashed with Pacific Games dates. > >


    violence disrupts election in papua new guinea’s enga province

    Firefish Could Be the Next Big Thing
  • The instance has clearly communicated that it primarily serves as a test instance, i.e. it does not strive for or want to guarantee stability.

    that's just not true > when c.s switched over to dev branch in april 2023, this was not motivated by wanting to become a "test instance" > rather, this was a desperate move to keep the instance afloat which by then had been become quite wonky > afterwards, things got even worse, so the transpicuous idea to rebrand the whole project

    noting, absolutely nothing about f.s is about being a test instance > see also atomicpoet's post about movin away from f.s - f.s was supposed to be a flagship instance, but only evolved into a shipwreck

    the biggest disadvantage of firefish: its community which has become like a sect - but that had been going on for a very long time already ...

  • Firefish Mastodon alternative
  • even weirder if it’s a Mastodon fork such as Glitch-soc, Hometown, Fedibird,… since they use older Mastodon versions as base

    i myself have been active on calckey/firefish, hajkey and iceshrimp instances, and never had a problem interacting with people on mastodon forks > there had been some backfilling issues, but they got solved > but federation problems do exist: so far, it is not possible for *key users to interact with lemmy instances; also link posts from kbin do not show up on *key timelines

  • Firefish Mastodon alternative
  • since you are on a lemmy instance: be aware that people on the *keys cannot interact with lemmy instances

  • Firefish Mastodon alternative
  • firefish is rebranded calckey, a misskey fork > project has been in trouble since, hmmm, may 2023 > the *keys offer a very different interface, emoji reactions and lots of other features which mastodon does not have > *keys ui is pretty nice compared to mastodon - in the end, this is a matter of taste > but other than that, particularly firefish and its forks do not scale well: there is a reason why former admin atomicpoet chose to migrate to another instance, though atomicpoet's post tries to hide the reasons for moving > note: is a special case - this instance is a lost cause with outages beyond comparison > instead of building up a community at, the admins effectively destroyed the community by introducing new experimental features instead of focusing on stability

  • /kbin meta testing

    alt texts from pixelfed are being displayed on kbin (kbin supports alt text, but it's rarely visible) \> in this case, alt texts come with another bug: you can see the first image attached to the post

    alt texts from pixelfed are being displayed on kbin (kbin supports alt text, but it's rarely visible) \> in this case, alt texts come with another bug: you can see the first image attached to the post, whereas the alt texts displayed belong to image 2 and 3 \> see the original post here:



    i like kbin: easy to use, plus snappy \> i also like the pace here, without a timeline ...

    i like kbin: easy to use, plus snappy \> i also like the pace here, without a timeline ...

    this may become my favorite alt acc ...


    back at the baltic sea

    back at the baltic sea

    Kbin, FUD, and Tribalism - Where do we go from here?
  • akkoma vs calckey?
    have i missed anything?

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  • Indische Pflegekräfte kommen an deutsche Kliniken
  • dir scheint überhaupt nicht bewusst zu sein, dasz pflegekräfte aus kerala bereits seit sechs (!) jahrzehnten in groszer zahl - es geht um 10tausende! - in deutschland arbeiten