A lovely sentiment, but unfortunately it has no basis in point of fact reality.
Goddamn, I hope it doesn't get worse that it is right now.
I'm arguably even more unhappy at home.
Speaking as an American, you won't be saying that once they invade your attic. Trust me, you do not want this.
Cops don't have a right to just show up and start demanding ID without probable cause that an actual crime has been committed. So... no, not good cop.
I would start with Magma. They're the originators of the genre, back in the 70s I think. I'd recommend their album Attahk. I tend to favor some of the more recent bands tho. Koenjihyakkei is probably my personal favorite. You can't go wrong with any of their albums, imo.
I've been getting into zeuhl music in a big way. Specifically Koenjihyakkei, Zao and Corima. Also I've been really digging PoiL and Junko Ueda.
There's more to this story that she isn't telling you.
Oh, go lick a boot, dweeb.
The skin will eventually turn blue as well, once they die from the entirety preventable diseases that they refuse to vaccinate for.
I hate being pigeonholed into being the Dragonborn. I'm a Bosmer, for fucks sake.
Holy shit, what?
Wording it like a Jeff Foxworthy joke is honestly probably the best hope of getting this message to conservatives.
I appreciate you saying that. I kinda needed to hear it.
None of my squares have ever been that full.
This is all true, but I refuse to take off my nostalgia colored glasses.
FFIX is the best game in the franchise and I'll die on that hill.
I didn't need this reference.
That's why I pretty much only go to DIY shows. There are no rules in a parking lot or under a bridge, and I came to bring the pain. Of course, now that I'm in my mid thirties I usually end up leaving with more pain than I brought.