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how do i transfer files via usb c cable from a pixel 6a (grapheneos) to linux mint?
  • If OP installed GrapheneOS they likely already have adb and USB debugging configured.

    That said, as recommended in the FAQ, one should use android-file-transfer, since enabling USB debugging (and using adb) is a security breach

  • Applications to reduce mouse usage
  • You're in for a treat, it's a PITA to configure if you're learning it (especially on the UI part, I found). Good luck on the journey :)

  • vscodium, vscode without spyware
  • IDEs like VSCose are only powerful because they integrate coding tools like LSPs and completion enginea. Those tools are also available on neo/vim or Emacs, so you can be as proficient as you were with VSCode. Hell, even GitHub's Copilot is available on vim!

    And frankly, having started coding on Atom before switching to neovim, I find a keyboard centric, mode-based coding much more efficient than a usual mouse-centric workflow.

    It really boils down to personal preference, but I'm eager to find some objective arguments proving that "vim is outdated when it comes to ease of use", because that's not what I experienced.

  • Macron calls crisis talks after another night of violence across France, with more than 600 arrested
  • « Nights of violence » and « Attack against democracy » is the narrative the government and (some) media stick to, because they can't lose face. We've been calling it out for a long, long time now, both in France and in the rest of the world. Situation in France escalated dramatically since 2016 and the law « El Khomri » relative to work rights, but (unfortunately) even quicker since Macron became President, as he will not consider people's voice.

    In 2017, a law was relative to firearms passed the Parliament, giving police officers more latitude as to when they are allowed to use them.