stay_on_target @
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Comments 6
It's an interesting, yet frustrating time to be a stoner stay_on_target 5 0
Hello from Wisconsin!
Formaldehyde Causes More Cancer Than Any Other Toxic Air Pollutant. Little Is Being Done to Curb the Risk. stay_on_target 6 0
This is a black tie lung event.
Not knowing how money works, yet running a business stay_on_target 15 1
Do you work in HR? How did you not get that?
Bahaahahaaa. Thank you, needed that chuckle.
Horror Sign stay_on_target 33 0
In my experience, the "NO" figure should be bent over a bit more in order to project onto the wall behind the toilet as well as the ceiling above. No better memory of working retail than going up to my boss and explaining why I needed to know where the spare ceiling tiles were.
What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with? stay_on_target 4 0
Whatever doesn't kill you only prolongs the inevitable!