OP is biased as hell.

Ooh, tell me more.

High beams and fog lights on a beautiful sunlit day.

But she's not nice.

Being literal is bad. It should produce something that a native would say, not a literal translation.
Love, a translator.

The UK will give you free citizenship if you're considered very useful. A friend of mine is an epidemiologist, and they almost literally threw British citizenship at her. She said that nobody at the group ceremony spoke English.

It also stinks. Source: my apartment stinks of baked broccoli.

Trump will absolutely arm Russia, though. People keep forgetting he's a traitor.
Also, a lot of the arms the US has sold to Ukraine can be switched off remotely by the US.

There is a difference between race and nationality.

I'm seeing too many edgelords, Russian trolls and 4channers on Lemmy.

About 20% of Europeans own a gun; about 30% of Americans own a gun. The difference is that the latter tend to own more than one gun, making it 120 guns per 100 people.

The BBC has a great multi episode series about Pompeii at the moment if you fancy surfing the VPN seas.

It's a shame that it only seems to have taken hold in certain areas in Germany. I.e. not in either of mine.

I'm a big fan of Pratchett's "-ing".

Not if the vault is in Switzerland.

Runkeeper only works with Spotify and Apple Music, though, so if you want to listen to music you're stuck with a choice between a rock and a hard place.

TomTom did the same. It used to be a one-off payment and now it's a subscription. Those who made the one-off payment were only able to keep using it for a limited time and then they had to subscribe too.

It was, by Musk, he used the addresses he got from that sweepstake. A number of computer scientists sent proof to the Democrats and were ignored.
Dammit, I had all the sources somewhere.