stankmut @
Posts 0
Comments 3
*Permanently Deleted* stankmut 6 0
We do know what defines active. An active user on Lemmy is someone who has made a post or comment within the last month.
Can we have some clarification on what "Usage Data" the app collects and shares with advertisers? stankmut 15 3
The data is less about what you are personally doing and more things like which device does a user have, which country is a user from, how often do they use the app, and how often do they click on ads.
You can dig more into what admob means by usage data here:
I must admit, I never considered "keeping people away from your platform" and "self-DDos" as possible candidates, for my social media bullshit bingo stankmut 1 0
They haven't rolled it out to everyone. It's being tested.