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can't download images
  • Works ok for me.

    Have you upgraded to the latest version?

  • Behind the lens
  • Thanks

  • Behind the lens

    Selfie using the Pentax Optio M10


    Beach rocks

    Lake Ontario

    Pentax Optio M10

    Anyone want to help us with a new logo?
  • I like this. Any new logo definitely needs to keep the Canadian flag in it.

  • Training

    Pentax Optio M10


    After the rain

    Pentax Optio M10

  • I'm still jumping between Liftoff and Connect. I like both 🤔

  • Evening Glow


    Morning Light

    Are these features available?
  • Clicking and holding the instance will cause a pop-up asking if you want to remove it.

  • Scrolling is so jittery on the latest update
  • Liftoff is also a great app. Lots of updates and a very nice interface

  • Wow! Just wow!
  • It seems to show it twice when you first post it, but in reality it's only one. Noticed this myself

  • Liftoff v0.9.18 Release - Bugs and Quality of Life!
  • Just installed it. Can't wait to try it out 😁

  • Under the Bridge

    Why don’t I find autofocus speed metrics online?
  • What I would do is watch as many YouTube videos as you can of someone either testing or using the camera. I find it much easier to actually see the camera in use to be able to understand the performance of the camera better. Numbers don't mean anything to me 😕

  • Jerboa crashes instantly
  • Not sure what to suggest. Did you remove the old version before installing the new one or did you just install over top?

  • Jerboa crashes instantly
  • This happened to me also. Clearing your cache fixed the problem.

  • Sunday's 😄

    Sony Alpha 5000 + Takumar 28mm

    Edited and cropped


    1989 Trek Antelope

    Heavy and slow. But a fun reliable ride 😁


    White Magic

    Fujifilm X-E1+ Cosinon Auto 50/1.8

    r/linux is private now
  • This is great! 😆