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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago
  • To be fair, allowing felons to run for office means that a leader's political enemies can't be charged with phony crimes in order to prevent them from running for office. It's a safeguard against authoritarianism.

  • Yup.

    I work for "medium pharma". We spend between 1 and 5 dollars per experiment (depending on the cell type). We run close to 2 MILLION experiments every week. We are still years away from any of those experiments yielding a safe compound that can move on to human trials, assuming we don't run out of money first.

    Targeting drugs for rare diseases won't be profitable until we achieve proper high-throughput experimentation, analysis, and somehow streamline the FDA approval process. The government needs to fund academic research on these diseases, but no university lab can match the kind of experiment production that we're already doing in industry.

  • pics

    (OC) The Fall Ends Swiftly, Guardsman's Pass, Wasatch Mountains, Utah

  • That money IS going to NASA, and then NASA decided it was a worthwhile investment to work with SpaceX to transport astronauts to the space station, resupply the station, and be an important research partner in autonomous landing systems, full-flow staged combustion engines, and many many more.

    The rest of the money is coming from commercial launch customers, government and private customers alike.

    Also, fiber internet doesn't do you any good while you're in the air or on the sea.