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sober_monk sober_monk
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Comments 18
I built a zip tie holder
  • I have this problem. Thanks a lot for the tip!

  • I love the future.
  • Sure, it's cheaper, but I'm on that 24/7 grind to make money for billionaires man, I ain't got time for the real deal! But just one of these pills gives me enough shame and self-hatred to last for the day!

  • An addict in my sleep.
  • In my experience, it kinda sucks because smoking in your dream feels much nicer than smoking in real life. It's like false advertising.

    I think I managed to let go of it completely (probably by realizing how much I relied on it for stress management and looking for alternatives), and now I chew a lot of gum in my dreams. Go figure.

    Anyway, congrats on your 4 years!

  • How are you organizing your spare cable drawer?
  • Right, sorry, I got carried away.

  • It is what it is
  • While working at the Steinhardt Social Research Institute?

  • At this rate, why not.
  • Thanks for the link, interesting read! I know that a good paper is succint, but honestly, I thought that making the case for a gigaton-yield nuclear explosion to combat climate change would take more than four pages...

  • Literally true in some cases
  • Good news, the rule didn't stop Anne Bonny, Mary Read and the like, so set sails to plunder!

  • Literally true in some cases
  • Rule 6: No girls allowed. Also true in some cases.

  • My kids bored out of their minds with a house full of toys, don't know how good they got it
  • My favorite "kids have always been kids" moment in history is Iddin-Sin's letter to his mom, removed about how he "has nothing decent to wear" and "whose fault is that really".

  • [QUESTION] What are some good cabbage recipes?
  • Cabbage rolls! The one I linked is pretty labour intensive (the taste makes up for it if you make enough), but there are many other variants.

  • In case you didn't know
  • On the other hand, asian small-clawed otters do dabble.

  • This post is in honor of [username]2
  • "What do you mean there's another dude who's called BajaBootyBlast?"

  • creativity
  • Thanks, I hate it!

  • Tough question
  • Preach!

  • Sunning
  • You don't have to imagine, Josh Brolin has you covered!

  • What are your best money saving cooking tips?
  • Meal prep your own junk food. I freeze smash burger patties, peeled and cut fries, stir-fry veggies and get some dry-store ingredients in advance so when the craving hits, I can make stuff at home faster than it takes for the delivery to get here. It's cheaper and can be healthier than takeout.

  • Finish your reds or you don’t get your camel crush for dessert.
  • Relevant Justin McElroy rant that's been living rent free in my head ever since I've seen it.