I have this problem. Thanks a lot for the tip!
Sure, it's cheaper, but I'm on that 24/7 grind to make money for billionaires man, I ain't got time for the real deal! But just one of these pills gives me enough shame and self-hatred to last for the day!
In my experience, it kinda sucks because smoking in your dream feels much nicer than smoking in real life. It's like false advertising.
I think I managed to let go of it completely (probably by realizing how much I relied on it for stress management and looking for alternatives), and now I chew a lot of gum in my dreams. Go figure.
Anyway, congrats on your 4 years!
Right, sorry, I got carried away.
Oh, that is brilliant!
While working at the Steinhardt Social Research Institute?
Thanks for the link, interesting read! I know that a good paper is succint, but honestly, I thought that making the case for a gigaton-yield nuclear explosion to combat climate change would take more than four pages...
Good news, the rule didn't stop Anne Bonny, Mary Read and the like, so set sails to plunder!
Rule 6: No girls allowed. Also true in some cases.
My favorite "kids have always been kids" moment in history is Iddin-Sin's letter to his mom, removed about how he "has nothing decent to wear" and "whose fault is that really".
Cabbage rolls! The one I linked is pretty labour intensive (the taste makes up for it if you make enough), but there are many other variants.
On the other hand, asian small-clawed otters do dabble.
"What do you mean there's another dude who's called BajaBootyBlast?"
Meal prep your own junk food. I freeze smash burger patties, peeled and cut fries, stir-fry veggies and get some dry-store ingredients in advance so when the craving hits, I can make stuff at home faster than it takes for the delivery to get here. It's cheaper and can be healthier than takeout.
Relevant Justin McElroy rant that's been living rent free in my head ever since I've seen it.