snctfd @
Posts 2
Comments 5
What is something that sounds 100% false but is actually 100% true? snctfd 11 1
further proof that /j is always necessary, no matter how obvious the joke
Art imitates life snctfd 30 0
ah, her hatred for danish people overpowered her swedish instinct of not speaking strangers
When Swedes see it's forecast to actually be warm and sunny on Midsommarafton snctfd 3 0
down in skåne it's looking super cloudy but hopefully no rain
Bug: Scroll progress is lost when going to comments and back
After scrolling for more than a few posts (probably past the first "page" of infini-scroll), going to the comments of any post and back brings you back to near the top. This is quite frustrating.
Using Android 10 and the most recent version of Jerboa.