Because they have been fed massive propaganda against EVs for years, they would never buy one anyway.
Playing a ultra swede for years, no complaints :)
"There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning."
- Warren Buffett
I mean... they're quite open about it.
Im at the same point. I spent quite some Money on Studio one and plugins....i'll probably try a setup with Wine and/or Yabridge soon. Wouldnt mind that much if i had to switch to Reaper.
Nope, mp3 is not "better" than CD since its a lossy format. It uses how we perceive audio so we notice it as little as possible, but you definitely loose details
I'd say that tons of different battery technologies are in the making or already in production, same for recycling methods. I'd also say that people like you probably don't give a single fuck about the batteries in all their other devices. Cutting down the production by banning single use batteries , enforcing reuse and recycling and of course offer public transport as an alternative to EVs wherever it is possible are also pretty common demands among your big bad "globalist" crowd.
"... and the Sex-crazed Zombie Cicadas" awesome name for a band
Its so incredibly obvious that Putin supports everything that will weaken USA/EU/NATO-"The West" in the long run, economically, politically, you name it. Everything that will disassemble these systems, make them more vulnerable to corruption, reduces the trust people have in them. How the hell do these ultra-"patriotic" right wingers not see this while Putin is so clear and outspoken about it?
My comment was more on the original post. You can't just switch the content of a point because another one is made in a similar way and say it's basically the same. Guess i got cautious with all the "Climate change activists are like a religious cult" arguments. Just because two groups are advocating strongly for something doesn't mean one of cant have good arguments and the other one isnt full of shit. That being said, I agree that not willing to compromise to a certain degree or aim for intermediate goals is stupid and not productive.
"People who say murder is bad are exactly the same as people saying being gay is bad because both say something is bad." You are very smart.
Constant whining is basically a national sport in Germany. Yes, there are way too many poor and homeless people here too, but the ones crying the loudest are mostly middle class people who are financially secure. Its either that their neighbour has a bigger car or they blame society that no one likes them.
And the longest reach comes from... random mutation?